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We operate abroad - NSRF  2014-2020

Informative program "We Operate Outside" - NSRF  2014-2020 

The Action aims to promote the extroversion of Greek manufacturing companies that are already exporting, through their participation in trade fairs organized in the EU and in third countries.

Action Budget

€ 50 million for all regions of the country. The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and from national resources.


Beneficiaries of the Action

Very Small, Small and Medium Enterprises, which before the date of electronic submission of the financing application:

  • have closed at least one (1) twelve month management year

  • have eligible Activity Code Numbers (EQs), which relate to products they wish to promote through their participation in trade fairs

  • already produce / process these products

  • They are already exporting and at least 2% of their annual turnover comes from exports of products they produce / process.


Funded Budget for Exhibition Participation Plans

Each company can apply for budget funding up to € 100,000.

The Public Grant amounts to 50%.

The Budget per trade report is as follows:

  • Up to € 20,000 per report in cases of participation In a booth up to 20%, with a maximum amount of public grant € 10,000

  • Up to € 35,000 per report in cases of participation In a booth up to 50 sq.m., with a maximum amount of public grant of € 17,500

  • Up to € 50,000 per report in cases of participation In a stand over 50 sq.m., with a maximum amount of public grant € 25,000


Eligible Areas of Activity

The investment projects that will be financed will concern the following strategic areas:

  • Agri-food / Food Industry 

  • Cultural and Creative Industries (CDPs)

  • Materials / Constructions

  • Energy

  • Environment

  • ICT Information and Communication Technologies

  • Health / Medicines.


Subsidized Expenses

Participation in trade fairs outside Greece, the following expenses are not eligible:

  • Cost of participation and cost of registration in the catalog of the Exhibition

  • Travel and accommodation expenses of up to four (4) representatives of the company that will participate in each trade show, such as airline tickets and individual travel to and from the exhibition space

  • Accommodation in the country where the exhibition takes place

  • Kiosk rental, construction / configuration costs and equipment rental (eg audiovisual equipment)

  • Shipping and return costs of the exhibits, including the cost of securing them

  • Remuneration of specialized external collaborators necessary for the management / operation of the kiosk (eg interpreter, kiosk keeper, etc.)

  • Cost of booklet design and translation.


Expenditures are eligible from the date of electronic submission of the funding application up to 30 months from the date of issuance of the decision to include the investment plans in the Action.


The start date of the electronic submission is set at 08.01.18.

The call will remain open for applications until the available budget is exhausted and at the latest until the completion of eighteen (18) months from its initial publication. Throughout the aforementioned period - and subject to the availability of a budget - interested parties can apply for funding.


The application for funding is submitted by the potential Beneficiaries mandatory electronically through the State Aid Management Information System (PSE). Funding applications will be evaluated in order of priority, according to the date of electronic submission to the PSC. Potential beneficiaries must, upon submitting the electronic application for funding, submit at the same time to the PSKE and an Electronic Application File.

THE  Ependysis Business Consultants ,  with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


For more information call the company phones:  2112155988  or contact via  e-mail  in the 

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