Enhancing the self-employment of higher education graduates - NSRF 2014-2020

Informative B 'cycle
graduate self-employment program
Eligible KAD -
Second cycle of the program
The program aims to support higher education graduates education, unemployed, employees and self-employed, to start / support professional activity, which will be relevant to their specialty, in an independent professional space.
Beneficiaries of the action:
Graduates of AEI / TEI or equivalent school in Greece or abroad (recognized by DOATAP) or holders of recognition of professional qualifications, by SAEI or SAEP. Also, degrees from Theater and Dance Schools recognized by the Ministry. Culture as tertiary and graduates of music schools recognized by the State (the first degree must have been obtained after 1.1.1995).
They can participate:
Beneficiary Category A:
- Unemployed, registered in the OAED unemployment registers,
- Employees (full-time or part-time or seasonal),
- Existing sole proprietors who will set up a new company Unemployed or employed.
Beneficiary Category B:
Existing sole proprietors (self-employed) who already carry out professional activity related to their specialty (degree), as well as collaborations between them.
They are subsidized for :
The creation, organization, support and operation of a new or existing business related to their studies.
They are subsidized with:
€ 5,000 to € 25,000 for a beneficiary In a sole proprietorship,
up to 40.000 € cooperative schemes for two people,
up to 50,000 € for collaborations of three or more.
Basic conditions for participation:
Ι. Income criteria:
For category A , the average income of the levy for the tax years 2015, 2014 & 2013, not to exceed, depending on their marital status during the tax year 2015, € 22,000 for individual income or € 35,000 for family income.
For category B, the above applies as well as the average of total gross income from business activity for the years 2015, 2014 & 2013 should not exceed € 40,000.
II. Subsidy from programs in the past:
The interested party has not been included in co-financed programs in the capacity of individual entrepreneur / entrepreneur or partner in a subsidized company, from 1.1.2013, except for training programs.
III. Not to participate In the capacity of partner / shareholder in other companies of any legal form from 1.1.2015, the holding of shares of companies listed on the Stock Exchange is excluded.
IV. Not to have the status of sole proprietor when submitting the application for funding and not to have ceased their business activity (as sole proprietors) from 1.1.2017 until the date of submission of the application for funding.
Electronic submission in 3 cycles
The start of the electronic submission is set for 05/07/2017 .
It can be done in 3 different periods:
1st submission period : Starting 05/07/2017 - Ending 09/08/2017
2nd submission period : Start 06/09/2017 - End 11/10/2017
3rd submission period : Start 08/11/2017 - End 13/12/2017
Action Budget :
The action of the 2nd cycle is financed with a total amount of 80 million € (Public Expenditure) and is distributed by group of Regions and by category of Beneficiaries as follows:
A) New Businesses (60%) and
B) Existing Companies (40%) .
Points of Attention:
I. Funding applications are submitted ONLY electronically on the website: www.ependyseis.gr
II. Expenditures are eligible from the date of issuance of the Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries, up to 24 months from the date of their accession.
ΙII. Every potential beneficiary has the right to submit only one application period. Potential beneficiaries who have joined the 1st cycle of the Action, do not have the right to submit to the 2nd cycle, upon penalty of rejection of the submitted application for funding in the 2nd cycle of the Action.
Collaborations between the beneficiaries of category Beneficiaries: The establishment of cooperating schemes (companies) in the form of very small enterprises is premiumed, in which beneficiaries of category A beneficiaries will participate, provided that they participate with equal company shares .
Collaborations between the beneficiaries of category B Beneficiaries: The establishment of cooperating schemes (companies) in the form of micro-enterprises is premiumed, in which beneficiaries of category B beneficiaries will participate, provided that they participate with equal company shares . New business forms set up only by existing sole proprietors at the time of submission will be in Category B.
It is pointed out that the co-location of companies is not allowed . The term co-housing means the establishment of the business in the same, indistinguishable space with another business. In case a co-location of companies is found, the integration decision will be revoked.
Have business activity in a single professional establishment (a business establishment, without branches ) on the date of commencement of the electronic submission until the end of the implementation period of the Business Plan. It is not allowed to establish a branch during the entire period of implementation of the Business Plan , upon penalty of revocation of the Decision of integration and return of the Public Financing that may have been taken.
Beneficiaries whose investments will be subject to this state aid program, for one (1) year (two (2) years in the case of companies that have made use of the flexibility clause) after the final payment of the public expenditure and with a penalty the obligation to return of the contribution should not to interrupt the investment / operation of the business , unless there are reasons of force majeure.
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at 211 2155988 or contact via e-mail in the info@ependysis.eu