Horizon 2020 - Energy

With support from Horizon 2020 you will be able to conduct international research projects in support of EU policies for the environment.
With a successful application of the program, companies will receive:
1-5 mil. EUR for technology and product development
IPR - Intellectual Property Rights
Network of partners for development
Access to new markets
Technology and knowledge transfer
The purpose of Horizon 2020 Environment is to increase European competitiveness and create new jobs.
Below are the upcoming deadlines for Horizon 2020 Energy. Expect 1-2 months for the proposal writing process.
LCE-04-2017: Demonstration of smart transmission grid, storage and system integration technologies with increasing share of renewables
Deadline: February 14, 2017
The integration of variable renewable energies challenges the transmission network. Proposals will target the transmission grid and demonstrate a combination of at least 2 of the following aspects:
Power transmission technologies and management of large scale generation in the context of an increased share of variable renewables;
Large scale storage relevant to the transmission network (GWh scale);
Communication / ICT technologies / control tools to enhance real-time awareness, introduce more flexibility the transmission grid, the integration of storage facilities, of more flexible generation, of demand-response mechanism and its interface to the distribution grid; cross-border collaboration;
New approaches to the wholesale market facilitating the participation of variable renewable energy sources, remunerating adequately new flexibility services to the grid
LCE-05-2017: Tools and technologies for coordination and integration of the European energy system
Deadline: February 14, 2017
The challenge is to create and deploy common tools for planning, integration and operation across the energy system and its actors. Proposals must target one or several of the following areas:
Novel European grid and end-to-end energy system planning tools
Enhanced TSO / DSO collaboration and coordination tools
Solutions for the deployment of neutral data access points ensuring a fair and transparent data access to all energy actors
Synergies between electricity, gas and heat networks, associated business and market mechanisms and analysis of existing regulatory aspects
Socio-economic aspects and environmental aspects
BG-02-2016 / 2017: High value-added specialized vessel concepts enabling more efficient servicing of emerging coastal and offshore activities - 2017
Deadline: February 14, 2017
Concepts should be developed to a pre-commercial stage technology readiness level (TRL) 5 and include: model testing, consideration of the most suitable construction and production principles for small series or one off vessels of this type, environmental impact assessment, cost estimation as well as both the marketability (technology push), and the cost effectiveness of the offshore operations concerned (demand pull). Work shall include development and testing of vessel concepts and its equipment so as to reduce costs and enable more efficient operations within either coastal or offshore environments.
LCE-10-2017: Reducing the cost of PV electricity
Deadline: September 07, 2017
Proposals are requested to address the reduction of the cost of PV electricity by optimizing the PV system energy yield and lifetime and decreasing cost at module (encapsulation materials, glass, and antireflective layers, anti-soiling layers, module architecture, etc.), balance -of-system component (electronics, inverters, tracking systems, etc.) or system configuration levels.
LCE-11-2017: Near-to-market solutions for reducing the water consumption of CSP Plants
Deadline: September 07, 2017
The challenge is to drastically reduce water consumption. In spite of the improvements in recent years, water consumption remains a crucial barrier to the deployment of CSP plants especially in arid areas.
Projects shall demonstrate cost-effective technical solutions which significantly reduce or replace the water consumption of CSP plants. The demonstration shall take place in a region with very good solar resource values.
LCE-12-2017: Near-to-market solutions for the use of solar heat in industrial processes
Deadline: September 07, 2017
The potential for the use of solar heat for industrial purposes is still largely untapped. The challenge is to reduce the technical complexity and develop cost effective solutions.
Proposals shall demonstrate less complex and cost effective technical solutions, which significantly increase the share of solar heat in industrial processes and which can be easily integrated into existing industrial plants.
LCE-14-2017: Demonstration of large> 10MW wind turbine
Deadline: September 07, 2017
The challenge is to demonstrate and construct now a full scale> 10MW turbine and provide proof of a significant cost reduction potential.
The development of large scale (> 10MW) turbines will have intrinsically logistical requirements regarding handling, installation, operation and maintenance, constituting a large part of the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). Improved handling (storage, loading, transport, etc.) on land, in the harbors and / or at sea, as well as improved logistics around operations and maintenance have to be taken into account in this innovation action.
LCE-16-2017: 2nd Generation of design tools for ocean energy devices and arrays development and deployment
Deadline: September 07, 2017
The challenge is to develop and demonstrate new advanced tools based on the first experiences of ocean energy arrays.
Design tools for array of wave and tidal energy converters have been developed. Single devices have already been deployed and the first arrays are planned for 2016 onwards. Based on the experience with the first ocean energy arrays, the design tools can be developed further and a 2nd generation of advanced tools is foreseen, which will have a significant positive effect on future devices and arrays.
LCE-17-2017: Easier to install and more efficient geothermal systems for retrofitting buildings
Deadline: September 07, 2017
The challenge is to demonstrate the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of geothermal systems for heating and cooling in individual installations being retrofitted.
Proposals shall target easy to install and efficient underground coupling systems for retrofitting existing types of buildings or adaptable to existing types of buildings, including historical buildings, to make geothermal energy a standard source of heat and cold in building renovation.
LCE-18-2017: EGS in different geological conditions
Deadline: September 07, 2017
Proposals should aim at testing EGS systems to ensure reservoir productivity in different geological settings and energy production at competitive costs. Proposals could propose up-scaling existing EGS systems.
LCE-19-2016-2017: Demonstration of the most promising advanced biofuel pathways
Deadline: September 07, 2017
It is essential to diversify the technology portfolio and feedstock basis to allow competitive production of advanced biofuels for use in transport. The following sub-challenges should be addressed in proposals:
Improving the technical and economic feasibility of the production of new and advanced liquid biofuels;
Demonstrating the feasibility of using feedstock particularly suitable for transport energy purposes.
LCE-20-2016-2017: Enabling pre-commercial production of advanced biofuel aviation
Deadline: September 07, 2017
The specific challenge is to enable commercial production of sustainable and cost-competitive advanced biofuels aimed for use in the aviation sector. In particular, supporting the accomplishment of pre-commercial plant (s) for advanced biofuels for aviation based on sustainable biomass feedstock is essential.
Projects should target the most promising advanced aviation biofuel production pathways incorporating upgrading technologies and valorisation of co-products that improve the economic viability of fuel production.
Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as to help you arrange the partners of the project.