Horizon 2020 - Security

With Horizon 2020 ICT there is a strong focus on how to keep the EU in the lead of developing and marketing new technologies in the field of ICT, combined with the development of new solutions that are responding to needs from industries and society.
Through a successful application to the program, companies can get:
1-5 MEUR for technology and product development
IPR - Intellectual Property Rights
Network to partners
Access to new markets
Technology and knowledge transfer
Below are the upcoming deadlines for Horizon 2020 Security. Expect 1-2 months for the proposal writing process.
SEC-05-DRS-2016-2017: Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) cluster - Part B
Deadline: April 24, 2017
Several reseach and innovation actions (RIA) aiming at research and development of novel CBRN technologies and innovations identified in the above-mentioned catalog will be selected by the European Commission. Each of these actions will be led by an SME. Each consortium implementing such a RIA must not only establish a consortium agreement among its members, but also a collaboration agreement with the participants in the CSA supported part. Such a collaboration agreement must settle how the results from the RIA will be exploited and integrated into platforms managed by the CSA.
DS-06-2017: Cryptography
Deadline: April 25, 2017
Proposals may address one or more of the areas / challenges described below but not necessarily all of them:
Functional encryption solutions that offer more flexibility and make it feasible to process encrypted data held on the Internet.
For application areas such as the Internet of Things, implantable medical devices and sensor nodes that harvest energy from the environment there is a need for ultra-lightweight cryptology.
Implementation (hardware or software) is often the weak point of the strongest cryptographic protocols: physical cryptanalysis, including tampering, side channel, faults injection attacks, has to be taken into account in the early phases of a development.
Authenticated encrypted token research for mobile payment solutions and related applications.
Innovative cryptographic primitives and complementary non-cryptographic privacy- preserving mechanisms to enforce privacy at various levels
New techniques, such as quantum safe cryptography, which are secured from quantum computers and other advances in computing and cryptanalysis.
Proposals on quantum key distribution addressing challenges such as improved performance.
Automated proof techniques for cryptographic protocols.
SEC-10-FCT-2017: Integration of detection capabilities and data fusion with utility providers' networks
Deadline: August 24, 2017
Proposals should address the deployment of detection systems in large and medium cities, in existing networks, or a combination of such networks, for instance for the detection of explosive precursors and illegal chemicals (drugs). Proposals shall address sewage networks and quality of air monitoring networks, and may address other networks. The experiment should last a significant period of time (at least two years).
Proposals should also provide for a mobile platform equipped to ascertain the composition and location of suspicious measurements, once data have been provided by the networked detection systems.
Proposals should provide for the prototype of a system controlling the detection systems and capable of fusing data provided by a variety of such networks, and of interfacing with other networks, pay particular attention to ethical issues raised when using such systems, and address the sustainability of such systems.
SEC-15-BES – 2017: Risk-based screening at border crossing
Deadline: August 24, 2017
Proposals should take into account the four-tier access control model developed in the EU: measures undertaken in, or jointly with third countries or service providers (eg those managing Advance Passenger Information or Passenger Name Record systems); cooperation with neighboring countries; border control and counter-smuggling measures; control measures within the area of free movement in order to prevent illegal immigration and cross-border crime inside the Schengen area.
Innovative, international alert systems can be further developed to more co-operative law enforcement and investigative efforts. Building upon lessons learned and field experience is essential.
The combination of a variety of arrays of sensors, new operational methods, and improved data management techniques can support appropriate law enforcement responses and enable better, transnational, interagency access to reliable and secure situational intelligence and information, on a real-time and cost- effective basis
SEC-16-BES – 2017: Through-foliage detection, including in the outermost regions of the EU
Deadline: August 24, 2017
Systems should be developed that combine or improve surveillance technologies and techniques and arrays of sensors of different sorts capable of providing higher quality detection capabilities and imaging through the integration of different techniques, to achieve wide- and small-area through foliage detection, despite the canopy density, in a real operational context. They could build on airborne, satellite-based, and / or on ground based platforms.
Solutions should be tested and validated in terms of capabilities to effectively control the land border covered by a vegetation layer, in all weather conditions.
SEC-17-BES-2017: Architectures and organizations, big data and data analytics for customs risk management of the international goods supply chain trade movements
Deadline: August 24, 2017
Strategies and tools are needed for the timely submission to customs authorities of relevant high-quality and comprehensive data on goods moving and crossing borders, whilst taking into consideration the national and EU legal, procedural and IT systems where they exist. Realistic methodologies and organizations need to develop, that facilitate cooperation among the relevant authorities (not only customs but also law enforcement, transport, security and border control agencies). Data governance policies and mechanisms for data sharing need to be agreed internationally.
Common repositories that take advantage of existing instruments such as the Advance Cargo Information System (advance electronic notification of cargo coming into EU before it leaves the third country) which are under-utilized and under-exploited for risk management purpose, can support the intelligent use and management of complex and large amount of data, exploiting unstructured data, supporting operational and situational awareness of customs authorities, adding intelligence (trends analysis, correlation analysis, etc.) by means of state-of-the-art technologies including in the fields of Big Data, Data Analytics.
SEC-18-BES – 2017: Acceptance of "no gate crossing point solutions"
Deadline: August 24, 2017
The assessment of the acceptability of such (combinations of) technologies and systems by citizens (who need to remain in control of personal data) and practitioners is needed, that takes into account of human behavior, gender, legal frameworks, societal issues, and possible risk of discrimination.
Methods developed to perform such assessments need also to generate information useful for decision makers to take informed decisions about future technology deployments, and for industry to design products that preserve privacy.
DS-07-2017: Addressing Advanced Cyber Security Threats and Threat Actors
Deadline: August 24, 2017
Two different foci are found:
a. Research and Innovation Actions –Situational Awareness
The focus of the proposals should be on the development of novel approaches for providing organizations the appropriate situational awareness in relation to cyber security threats allowing them to detect and quickly and effectively respond to sophisticated cyber-attacks.
a. Innovation Actions - Simulation Environments, Training
Proposals should develop innovative simulation environments and training materials in order to adequately prepare those tasked with defending high-risk organizations to counter advanced cyber-attacks.
DS-08-2017: Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities
Deadline: August 24, 2017
Proposals may cover one of the strands identified below
Privacy-enhancing Technologies (PET)
General Data Protection Regulation in practice
Secure digital identities
SEC-12-FCT-2016-2017: Technologies for prevention, investigation, and mitigation in the context of fight against crime and terrorism - 2017
Deadline: August 24, 2017
New knowledge and targeted technologies for fighting both old and new forms of crime and terrorist behaviors supported by advanced technologies;
Test and demonstration of newly developed technology by Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) involved in proposals;
Innovative curricula, training and (joint) exercises to be used to facilitate the EU-wide take-up of these new technologies, in particular in the fields of:
Sub-topic: 1.cyber-crime: virtual / crypto currencies des-anonymisation / tracing / impairing where they support underground markets in the darknet.
Sub-topic: 2.detection and neutralization of rogue / suspicious light drone / UAV flying over restricted areas, and involving as beneficiaries, where appropriate, the operators of infrastructure
Sub-topic: 3.video analysis in the context of legal investigation Sub-topic: Others.
Only the sub-topics not covered in 2016 will remain eligible in 2017. A list of topics that remain eligible in 2017 will be published in due time in the section "Topic Conditions & Documents" for this topic on the Participant Portal.
Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as to help you arrange the partners of the project.