Friday, October 3, 2014.
O The aim of the Conference is:
A. To inform the mayors and the elected officials about what we have achieved in the last 5 years at the level of the European Union but also what applies to the new NSRF 20014-2020 where concerns the small Islands and
B. The local community to participate in the whole process, thus better understanding the role of the Municipalities, the EDMN and the society itself.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Spiritual Centre "STYLIANOS RESTIS"
Greek Small Islands: What we have achieved at EU level and the challenges
of small islands in the new NSRF - S.E.S.
09.30 Arrival of Congresses, Registrations.
10.00: Greetings:
Spyros Spyridon General Secretary of the Decentralized Aegean.
George Vassilopoulos Former Mayor of Ithaca. General Secretary of EDMN
Ioannis Th. Evangelou Mayor of Kea
Local agents..
10.30: A Session:
What Have We Achieved at European Union Level? .
Round Table - Discussion
Christos Pallis President of EOT
Spyros Danelis Former MEP. Committee on Transport and Tourism 2009-2014
Ioannis Th. Evangelou Mayor of Kea
Eleftherios S. Kechagioglou Chairman of the Board E.D.M.N.
Godmother Mastora Deputy Mayor of Mathraki
Part A: Presentation Speeches
Part B: Discussion
12.00. Time out
12.30: Second Session:
Small Islands and New NSRF - S.E.S.
Round Table - Discussion
Panel: Ioannis Firbas Head of E.Y.S.S.AP. - Ministry of Development
Ioannis Th. Evangelou Mayor of Kea
Eleftherios S. Kechagioglou Chairman of the Board of EDMN
Andreas Goulis Deputy Mayor of Ereikousa
Spyridon Fardelos Deputy Mayor of Spetses
Part A: Presentation Speeches
Part B: Discussion
13.30: C Session:
Small Islands - Kallikratis and Transport
Round Table - Discussion
Miltiadis Kyrkos MEP
Spyros Spyridon. General Secretary of the Decentralized Aegean
Ioannis Th. Evangelou Mayor of Kea
Eleftherios S. Kechagioglou Chairman of the Board of E.D.M.N.
Maria Lekakou - George Remoundos Small Islands and coastal shipping - transport
Part A: Presentation Speeches
Part B: Discussion
16.00: Session S:
Small Islands and New NSRF - S.E.S. the Role of the Management Organization Unit
Round Table - Discussion
Michael Kamchis. President of M.O.D.
Ioannis Th. Evangelou Mayor of Kea
Eleftherios S. Kechagioglou Chairman of the Board of E.D.M.N.
Odysseas Gianniotis Deputy Mayor of Kalamos
Dionysios Stanitsas Mayor of Ithaca
Part A: Presentation Speeches
Part B: Discussion
18.00: Session Presentation of Actions - Partners and Programs.
Maria Kamma Mayor of Tilos
Vassilios Marakis Mayor of Sikinos
Marcos Bonazountas as NTUA Smart islands
Ypsilantis Tzouros Social Economy and Support of municipalities in European programs
Sunday 5 October 2014
Spiritual Centre "STYLIANOS RESTIS"
Greek Small Islands - New Goals.
10.00: Speech by the Mayor of Kea, Mr. Ioannis Evangelos
10.15: General Assembly Agenda Open to the public - Presentation of Actions
Program Partners - Discussion - Action Planning
· I say Panagi Former Mayor of Halki
· Eleftherios S. Kechagioglou Chairman of the Board of EDMN
· Odysseas Gianniotis Deputy Mayor of Kalamos
· Maria Kamma Mayor of Tilos
· Gerasimos Damoulakis Mayor of Milos
· Konstantinos Kostellos - Nadia Zaferiadou EDMN Telematics Infrastructures
· Margarita Karavasili. CISD
· Paschalis Syrigos Federation of Associations of Small Cyclades
13.00: Conclusions - Closing of the Conference.
Source: arxeion-politismou.gr