As part of the annual effort to expand the Association of Economists, Associate Scientists and Entrepreneurs - EOSEE to every academic and professional core with the aim of connecting and collaborating, an inaugural day is organized by the planned EOSEE branch in Athens.
The Conference in which the main points of the Modern Economic Reality will be presented takes place on Wednesday 09 December 2015 and Arrival time joint 12:45 p.m. at the School of Management and Economics of the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus (Petrou Ralli & Thivon 250, 12244 Egaleo, Athens), on the Ground floor of building D, room D004.
Admission is free and certificates of attendance will be issued but electronic registration is required at http://goo.gl/forms/1DQVB065cm .
The topics that will be developed aim at informing and thinking about the new colleagues who will soon be invited to contribute their knowledge to companies at home and abroad as well as in the public sector.
Speakers at the conference will be:
- Mr. Hippocrates Chatziangelidis
Managing Partner, Interaction Finance SA - Corporate Finance Advisors
- Mr. Ypsilantis Tzouros
Business Consultant, Ependysis Business Consultants
- κα. Maria Tzavela
Lawyer, Law Office of Eugenia Fotopoulou
- Mr. Theologos Chomatidis
- Mr. Lymperis Angelakis
Economist - Accountant
The main purpose of this initiative is to involve colleagues in a constructive public debate with market executives and the real economy.
Responsible for the Organization: 'Elena Giannoukakou 6981726896