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Development of digital applications in the field of culture for the enrichment of tourism experience - RDP South Aegean 2014-2020

Newsletter Development of digital applications for tourism - RDP South Aegean 2014-2020 

Invitation content:


The creation of e-services and e-content that can be used both by personal computers and by tablets and smart phones that will support the forms of tourism that will be developed in the Region will be supported.

The contribution of ICT to the integration of culture in the tourism chain of experience is particularly important and several activities will be oriented in this direction.

The applications and services that will be supported will be addressed to the international market and therefore the specifications and requirements will be formulated accordingly. For example, the material produced and the relevant databases should be able to supply international content sharing services, e.g. Field Trip.

Examples of applications that can be developed are:

  • Platforms for recording cultural events

  • Archaeological site guide applications

  • Museum guide applications

  • Virtual representation of events

  • Highlighting traditional architectural techniques and buildings of special architectural value

  • Digitization of tourist and cultural resources, routes, maps

Beneficiaries of the action:

  • Ministry of Culture & Sports (central, regional services and supervised bodies)

  • South Aegean Region

  • Municipalities of the South Aegean Region

  • University of the Aegean

  • Dodecanese Chamber

  • Cyclades Chamber

Action Outputs:

The proposals that will be submitted should contribute to the fulfillment of the relevant monitoring indicators, which are:

  • Number of digital applications: 19 (minimum)

Specific eligibility rules:

a) The proposed instruments should be in line with the objectives of the "A digital Agenda for Europe" strategy and the "National Strategy for Digital Development".

b) The technical data sheets of the proposed acts must have been pre-approved by the General European Union European Regional Development Fund Secretariat for Digital Policy, in accordance with article 160 of Law 4389/2016 (Government Gazette 94 / A / 27-05-2016)

c) Proposed instruments will be considered in accordance with Commission Communication 2016 / C 262/01 on the concept of State aid as referred to in Article 107 (1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

Important dates:

Proposals are submitted exclusively through OPS - NSRF:

  • from 10/07/2017 (start date for submission of proposals)

  • until 29/09/2017 (deadline for submission of proposals).

Action Budget :

The co-financed public expenditure (where co-financed public expenditure is the eligible public expenditure from the OP for the calculation of the Community contribution) available for the integration of transactions under this call amounts to € 1,700,000 .


The minimum budget of the submitted transactions is set at € 50,000 .

THE  Ependysis Business Consultants ,  with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


For more information call the company phones at  211 2155988  or contact via  e-mail  in the 

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