Upgrading Medium Enterprises for Development
their capabilities in new markets

The action concerns the financing of medium-sized business plans and is a comprehensive intervention aimed at transforming the manufacturing base of the Greek economy into new or diversified production lines, products and manufacturing services. It also aims to strengthen extroverted entrepreneurship, as a key choice for the productive upgrade of the country to goods and services of high added value, with quality, environmental sensitivity, integration of knowledge and innovation.
The action is aimed at existing small and medium enterprises with a staff of 50-250 people (estimated in Annual Work Units [EMU]) and is expected to strengthen the efforts of enterprises for:
Manufacturing diversification - productive transformation with a strong innovative and ecological character and extroverted orientation
Digital Industry for the development and support of digitized and flexible production lines, design and distribution of products and services
Energy efficiency.
Potential beneficiaries
Existing or sub-established companies in eligible KADs of strategic priority areas, mainly in manufacturing but also in other related activities, such as the supply chain sector.
The indicative budget of the action amounts to 40,000,000 € (public expenditure). The total budget of the action amounts to € 100 million.
The eligible budget of investment projects ranges from 250,000 - 3,000,000 € . The financing percentages are determined by the Charter of Regional Aid and vary depending on the Region, the type of investment expenditure, the years of operation of the company, etc.
Date of issue of the invitation : April 2017
Duration of implementation of investment plans : 36 months .
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email info@ependysis.eu .