Competence Centers
in priority areas of RIS3

The action will promote the development of Competence Centers networks in thematic fields of the areas of the National Intelligent Strategy, from the needs that emerge through the process of business discovery.
The Competence Centers will be directly related to the promotion of research, development and transfer of know-how, taking into account the existing economic, political and scientific environment. One area of activity will be innovation management, which strengthens the ability of businesses and especially small and medium-sized enterprises to compete internationally through the production of innovative products, processes and services.
This action concerns Laboratory Networks, to support the needs of businesses, public services, DEKO, local government, etc.
These laboratories may belong to Research or Technological bodies and may provide scientific and technical services on market terms.
The action will be submitted complete proposals from partnerships of competency centers.
The proposals will concern:
provision of specialized ETAK services, such as laboratory analyzes, experiments, tests, experimental devices, technological advice, evaluation of technologies and technological solutions, etc.
strengthening infrastructure and preparing for the provision of services such as equipment, infrastructure improvement and modernization, database subscriptions, laboratory test supplies, staff training, certification, service provision
demonstration / pilot projects
education and training programs
networking and complementary actions of infrastructure and services
providing supportive solutions, such as guidelines, information material, magazines, creating specialized tools for companies for online audits, with the aim of quickly finding solutions to their current and future problems.
assistance in organizing innovation competitions and support programs.
These networks must have an approved business plan. Market-driven service activity is expected to enhance their viability.
Potential beneficiaries
Research bodies (as defined in L4310 / 2014 and its amendment with L4386 / 2016),
Technological Development Companies (Ministries)
Technology Parks
Mediation Offices.
The indicative budget of the action amounts to 30,000,000 € (public expenditure).
Estimated date of issue of the invitation : 2nd quarter 2017
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email .