Online Discussion on "Saving-Autonoming"

Financial tools come in many forms and improve all of people's lives. The effort to communicate and be understood by people must be continuous, both by the state and by business people and experts.
It is a great pleasure to have the appreciation of people in the market.
For this reason, thank you for the invitation to TÜV Hellas (TÜV Nord Group) in the Online Discussion on: "Saving-Autonoming": Conditions, Opportunities and the role of Certification by TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD).
The discussion will take place on Thursday, December 16, 2020, from 15:00 to 16:00 and will be free to attend.
The discussion will be attended by Messrs.
-Antonis Marinos, Office Manager, General Secretariat for Energy and Mineral Raw Materials Ministry of Environment and Energy
- Nikos Milis, chairman of the central delegation of TEE
- Nikos Bouloukos, Technical & Product Director of KNAUF Plastering SA
- Ypsilantis Tzouros, CEO Ependysis Business Consultants, Business Consultant
- Anastasios Iordanou, Business Development Manager of TÜV HELLAS (TÜV NORD)
Mr. Savvas Peltekis, CEO and Executive Vice President Process Technology TÜV NORD Industrial Services will deliver a speech.
The discussion will be moderated by the journalist Mr. Dimitrios Pefanis.