Business support for the implementation of innovations and / or research and technology results - Business Opportunity in Western Macedonia

Support existing, new and start-up small, very small and medium enterprises, in order to strengthen their business activity, through targeted actions, to increase their competitiveness by introducing modern and innovative processes and means in their production process.
This Action seeks to:
• The strengthening of business activities, as a priority in the areas of the Regional RIS3
• The increase of the business investments of the SMEs that concern products that are new in the market and new to the company
• The transformation of the manufacturing base of the Region's economy to new or diversified internationally competitive products of high added value, with quality, environmental sensitivity, and integration of knowledge and innovation
• The improvement of the degree of economic exploitation of business ideas through and their conversion into marketable products / services • The improvement of the entrepreneurship indices in the Region.
Target Audience:
Beneficiaries are the following categories of companies, which are active or will be active in the Region of Western Macedonia:
Category A - Recommended: Companies that will be set up after the electronic submission of the proposal in action and will have the investment fund (s).
Category B - New: Companies that have been established after 1/1/2018 until the date of submission of the proposal and which until the date of submission of the proposal have the KAD of the investment. For companies that have been set up after the announcement of the action, they must have the eligible investment KAD before the date of electronic submission. Exceptions are companies that have only the KAD: Works of configuration or construction of a building or other type of constructions (as an investment good of art. 33 par. 4 of the VAT Code) for the same exercise of professional activity with the right to deduct the VAT of their inputs. Works of configuration or construction of a building or other type of construction (as an investment good of art. 33 par. 4 of the VAT Code) for own professional activity without the right to deduct VAT on their inputs, which should have the / their Investment KAD before the final disbursement.
Category C - Existing: Companies that have been established before 1/1/2018 and which until the date of issuance of the action notice have at least one eligible KAD contained in APPENDIX VII: ELIGIBLE AREAS OF ACTIVITY (KAD).
Not eligible to apply for funding:
• public enterprises, public bodies or public bodies and / or their subsidiaries, as well as enterprises assimilated to them.
• companies that are part of an already organized uniform distribution network of products or services and which operate under relevant contracts licenses for intellectual property rights, usually related to trademarks or distinctive titles and know-how for the use and distribution of goods or services (e.g. x. franchising, Shop in shop, agency network, etc.)
Submission Period:
Start of Submissions: 27 January 2021
Submission Deadline: March 31st 2021
The application for funding is submitted electronically to the State Aid Information System (PSE) provided by the Ministry of Development and Investment at .
Eligible program KAD
What is funded
The start date of eligibility of expenses is the date of publication of its invitation
Action. When formulating the budget proposed by public funding from
potential beneficiary company, it is mandatory to link the ongoing actions of the investor
project with the following categories of eligible costs:
Buildings, facilities and surrounding area: 70%
Machinery - Equipment - Software: 100%
Machinery - Equipment - Transportation (Professional, mixed, multi-purpose up to 9 seats) - Software - Website / E-shop
Certification of products / services: Up to 5,000 / certificate.
Compilation & monitoring of investment plan: Up to € 4,000
Operating expenses using a flexibility clause, article 98 CAN EU 1303/2013 and article 2 par. 3 of YAEKED: 10%
Salary costs of new staff, using a flexibility clause, article 98 KAN EU 1303/2013 and article 2 par. 3 of YAEKED: 40% and € 24,000, up to 2 EME.
€ 5,500,000
Terms and conditions
The basic conditions for business participation are the following:
To be active or to be active in the Region of Western Macedonia.
The proposed investment plan must relate to at least one of the eligible KADs of ANNEX VIII: ELIGIBLE AREAS OF ACTIVITY (KAD).
To declare as a place for the implementation of the actions of this action exclusively the Region of Western Macedonia.
Have or undertake to have the status of a Very Small or Small or Medium Enterprise as defined in the Recommendation 2003/361 / EC of the Commission of 6 May 2003 and in accordance with Annex I of EU Regulations. Commission Regulation (EC) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 on the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (ANNEX IV "SME DEFINITION").
To operate or to commit that they will operate legally by having the appropriate, according to the current legislation, operating license. In case the license has not been issued or has expired, it is required to submit the relevant application for its issuance / renewal. Businesses with activities for which no operating license is required, must submit a Responsible Statement of the Legal Representative stating that for all the activities of the business is not required the issuance of an operating license or a document of exemption from the relevant obligation.
To operate or commit to operate exclusively with one of the following types of corporate / commercial enterprises: Societe Anonyme, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company, IKE, Sole Proprietorship, NEPA, Social Cooperative 44306 as in force, Cooperative, Law Firm of article 49 et seq. of Law 4194/2013.
To keep haplographic or diplographic books of law 4308/2014.
Do not be in bankruptcy, liquidation or forced management.
Do not be problem companies in accordance with the provisions of ANNEX VI: DEFINITION OF PROBLEM COMPANIES of the invitation.
To comply with the legislation on health and safety of workers and prevention of occupational risk.
Commit that expenditure included in this funding application has not been funded, has been included and will not be submitted for funding approval to another program funded by national or Community funds.
No recovery order of State aid should be pending against the company, which has been judged to be incompatible with the internal market in accordance with Article 107 (1) TFEU, by decision of the European Commission or of a Court of Justice or the General Court of the European Union.
To have or commit with a responsible statement of the Legal Representative that until the completion of the investment they will take care of the appropriate infrastructure and services in order to minimize obstacles and facilitate access to them, where necessary and necessary, people with disabilities, in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No Regulation (EC) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013 laying down general provisions for the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1083/2006. Infrastructure means both the building infrastructure and the electronic applications that are addressed to the customer public (eg websites and other electronic applications, such as electronic information and / or service points, etc.) according to the current institutional framework. .
There should be no grounds for exclusion of article 40 of Law 4488/2017 (A137 / 13.09.2017).
To submit an investment plan, as well as all the necessary data, supporting documents and forms, as defined by this announcement
To submit a single application for funding per VAT in this action throughout the validity of this call.
For start-ups: the same investment body (partner / shareholder) not to participate in more than one investment project. The above conditions must be met in full. Failure to satisfy one or more of them is a condition of exclusion of the investment plan and therefore a reason for rejection.
Application area
Region of western Macedonia
The Public Expenditure of the Action, in the context of this Invitation, is estimated to amount to € 5,500,000 of which € 1,000,000 correspond to companies that will implement their investment in Integrated Spatial Intervention (OHL) areas, utilization of lakes Western Macedonia, and the € 1,500,000 concern the intervention areas of the Sustainable Urban Development Business Plan (BAA).
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones: 2112155988 or .