Pre-publication of NSRF Special Actions 2014-2020

Announced by General Secretariat for Research and Technology the Special Actions "AQUACULTURE" - "INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS" - "OPEN INNOVATION IN CULTURE" in the framework of the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship" (2014)
The total budget of the Actions, co-financed by the Greek State and the European Union and in particular by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), is estimated to amount to € 30,000,000, while the start date for electronic submission of funding applications at State Aid Information System is defined as 19 September 2017 at 16:00 with a closing date of 20 October 2017 at 16:00.
The main goal of the Actions is to create the necessary knowledge base in focused areas, through the strengthening of Research and Technology, in order to promote innovation, increase the competitiveness of dynamic sectors of the economy and stimulate productive activity at regional and national level. . They also aim to focus efforts and resources on specifics S&T priorities, important for the economy and society, as highlighted by the National Strategy for Research, Technological Development and Innovation (ETAK) for smart specialization (RIS3 Strategy).
The Special Actions
In particular, the Special Actions "AQUACULTURE" and "INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS" concern the cooperation between dynamic companies and organizations of research and dissemination of knowledge for the implementation of research projects, technological development and innovation, whose research results are appreciated and whose research results are appreciated.
Respectively, the special action "OPEN INNOVATION IN CULTURE" aims at the implementation of emblematic character of ETAK projects by developing products, services, methods, original research devices, new technologies or other innovative applications and processes, monuments, works of art, objects and other historical elements of culture.
It is noted that the total budget of the Action "Special Actions" AQUACULTURE "-" INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS "-" OPEN INNOVATION IN CULTURE "is estimated at € 24,000,000, amounting to € 50,000,000. The difference between the total budget and the public expenditure is defined as the private contribution, which will be covered by the beneficiaries.
Beneficiaries of actions are:
(a) "Research and dissemination organizations" and "Other bodies treated as Research and dissemination organizations";
b) "Business" and
c) Institutions of Culture (applies only to the specific action "OPEN INNOVATION IN CULTURE"), which will be treated as "Other bodies treated as research and dissemination organizations" or as "Businesses".
Funding applications can be submitted depending on the Special Action to which they relate, from a partnership of research and dissemination organizations and existing companies or from a partnership of research and dissemination organizations, or from a partnership of research and dissemination organizations, existing companies and cultural institutions.
Key features of partnerships by specific action:

The total public expenditure is distributed as follows per Special Action:
"AQUACULTURES": € 5.25 million,
The total budget of the submitted applications for funding must be within the limits or not exceed the upper limit, as defined in the table below, per submitted application for funding and per specific action:

Subsidy Rates
The aid intensity is determined separately for each aid beneficiary in the case of cooperative projects. The intensity of a beneficiary's project aid for each type of eligible activity is the same for all categories of expenditure included in the activity.
The intensity of aid per eligible activity depends on the size of the business (small, medium or large).
Specifically for research and development activities, the supported project should fall into one or more of the following categories of research:
industrial research
experimental development
feasibility study
In this case, the intensity of the aid also depends on the characterization of each work unit according to the above categorization of the research.
The table below shows the aid intensity by eligible activity, research category and company size:

* Subcontracting is not considered real cooperation
Eligible Activities - Expenses
The Eligible activities / expenditure to be supported under the actions are the following:
research and development activities (industrial research, experimental development, feasibility studies),
innovation promotion activities,
SME participation activities in trade fairs.
The start date for the electronic submission of funding applications to the State Aid Information System is set at 19 September 2017 at 16:00 with a closing date of 20 October 2017 at 16:00.
The duration of the implementation of the submitted project proposals should be from twenty four (24) to thirty six (36) months.
It is noted that the starting date of the project implementation time is the date of issuance of the Project Integration Decision.
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Special Information
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