Support for investments in agricultural holdings (Improvement Plans)
The aim of Sub-Measure 4.1 "Support for Investments in Agricultural Holdings" (improvement plans) is to create competitive farms through the development of agricultural products that have quality characteristics, while at the same time contributing to the sustainability of the environment and the rational use of natural resources. Includes the following actions:
4.1.1 Implementation of investments that contribute to the competitiveness of the holding
4.1.2 Implementation of investments that contribute to water savings
4.1.3 Implementation of investments that contribute to the use of RES as well as to the protection of the environment
The measure contributes to all cross-cutting objectives of innovation, environment and climate change with its sub-measures and actions contributing mainly to the following Union priorities and focus areas.
4.1.1 Implementation of investments that contribute to the competitiveness of the holding
Holders of agricultural holdings holding the status of active farmer or groups thereof, as specified in national law, natural or legal persons.
In addition they must meet one of the following:
They are professional farmers in accordance with current national legislation
They are Young Farmers of Sub-Meter 6.1
They are legal entities whose main activity is the practice of agriculture. Especially for the implementation of collective investments, support can be provided to producer groups.
Purchase of land (concerns up to 10% of the total cost of the investment and for cases that include abandoned facilities the limit is up to 15%)
Erection, expansion, modernization of agricultural buildings and structures
Purchase, transfer and installation of new mechanical and other equipment
Purchase, transfer and installation of perennial plantations
Fencing and landscaping
Purchase of a new beekeeping and floriculture car
General expenses (such as fees for writing a support and payment application, fees for engineers, consultants as well as fees for issuing necessary licenses)
4.1.2 Implementation of investments that contribute to water savings
Aid is provided for investments that contribute to water savings and the sustainable management of water resources, including water storage at the farm level.
Holders of agricultural holdings holding the status of active farmer, as specified in national law, or groups thereof, natural or legal persons.
Purchase, transfer and installation of new mechanical and other equipment in order to save water
Investments in land improvements
General expenses (such as fees for writing and submitting support and payment applications, consultants as well as fees for issuing necessary licenses)
4.1.3 Implementation of investments that contribute to the use of RES as well as to the protection of the environment
Investments are being strengthened to contribute to the proper management of livestock waste and to a shift towards a low-carbon agriculture based on increasing the use of Renewable Energy Sources.
Holders of agricultural holdings holding the status of active farmer, as specified in national law, or groups thereof, natural or legal persons.
Purchase, transfer and installation of new waste management equipment of the holding
Construction of waste management facilities, by-products and residues of the holding
Purchase, transfer and installation of new equipment for the use of Renewable Energy Sources to meet the needs of the farm
General expenses (such as fees for writing and submitting support and payment applications, consultants as well as fees for issuing necessary licenses)
They concern greenhouse farms, livestock farms with existing stable installation, use of RES in existing drillings and livestock farms with investments aimed at reducing gas emissions.
It is clarified Whereas potential beneficiaries may apply for investment expenditure relating to in all three actions with a total maximum investment amount of € 500,000 which for collective investments combined will not exceed € 2,000,000.