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Action "Genetic Resources in Livestock" - Submissions until March 2

The call for Action 10.2 has been published. of the Rural Development Program  2014-2020: "Genetic Resources in Animal Husbandry" which is addressed to purebred breeding organizations as well as to Producer Groups and Cooperatives that carry out livestock activities.


The public expenditure of the action amounts to 17 million euros , while the species of animals eligible for aid are five ( cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs ). See the eligible costs per action and the amount of aid per animal species.  Among other things, the announcement states the following:



Objectives of the action


The aim of the action is to preserve and enhance biodiversity, which  is the most important tool for genetic diversity, which is a basic condition for the survival of the species, contributing decisively to sustainable development. This goal is achieved by upgrading the technical support provided to breeders in all rural areas of the country, for the conservation and utilization of domestic breeds of farm animals, in order to ensure the sustainable management of these resources and on the other hand to enhance the viability of units, in a modern development model of green growth.

The action contributes to the focus area 4A "Rehabilitation,  conservation and enhancement of biodiversity, including Natura 2000 sites, and  within  areas facing natural or other specific handicaps, high natural value agriculture and the state of European landscapes ".


Scope and geographical areas of application


A) Geographical areas of application -  The Action is implemented throughout the country.


B) Scope -  Scope of action are the local - domestic and adapted animal breeds, as shown below:


Cattle : Brachyceratic,  Katerini,  Sykias,  Domestic  Buffalo, Black and White *,  White and red *,  Greek  Red,  Greek Blonde

Sheep :  Karagouniki, Mytilene (Lesvos), Sfakion, Karystos, Frizarta (Arta), Mountainous Epirus, Serres, Chios, Kefallinia, Kalarrytiki, Pelion, Glossas Skopelos, Thrace, Skyros,  Goats of Ioannina,
Sarakatsaniki, Argos, Kymi, Zakynthos, Florina - Pelagonia, Agrinio

Goats : Skopelos

Horses : Skyros, Pineia, Messara, Crete, Thessaly, Pindos

Pigs : Domestic pig


* the black and white and red-red cow breeds are adapted Greek breeds derived from Holstein cow breeds.


Type of aid provided


The aid is provided as a grant in the form of reimbursement of eligible costs actually incurred and paid.

The financial aid granted as well as the details for the implementation of the Action, are mentioned in detail in no. 481/667036 / 09-06-2016 (Government Gazette 1994 / 01-07-16) and 19/3696 / 12-01-2017 (Government Gazette 193 / 27-01-2017)  Decisions  of  Minister of Rural Development and Food and concern the following actions:


Α . Collection - keeping of genealogical data of animals and establishment-maintenance of genealogical books and registers, with a 100% support rate.

Β . Individual control of the quality and quantity of the animals, with a support rate of 70%, excluding the costs related to controls carried out by the owner.

Γ . Informing the breeders about the dissemination and use of the animal genetic material suitable for each region, with a 100% support rate. The information will take the form of theoretical and practical information of the indirectly benefited breeders from the implementation of the Beneficiary's Action and will concern:

  • the dissemination of animal genetic material suitable for each region,

  • the proper management of flocks and herds,

  • in organizational issues for the implementation of the Action.

The seminars or workshops will be held up to three times per year and per beneficiary and can take place in the context of Zootechnical exhibitions.

Δ . Genotyping of sheep and goats, with a 100% support rate, which is done in order to identify genes that endanger the conservation and utilization of the breed and to exclude them from reproduction, in order to reduce their frequency in the farmed population.


Eligible Costs


For action A:

  1. Staff costs (permanent, non-permanent)

  2. Expenditure on supplies, materials, instruments and implementation processes (Electronic equipment, Printing materials, Software programs for registration, data processing and genealogy books, Body measurement instruments, DNA analysis costs, Electronics supply costs, Expenditure costs)


For action B:

  1. Staff costs (non-permanent)

  2. Costs of supplies, materials, instruments and implementation procedures (Milk volumeters, Costs of analysis of milk and / or meat samples)


For action C:

  1. Costs of printing invitations, Costs of sending invitations, Costs of publishing invitations

  2. Rental of room and audiovisual media

  3. Expenses for the publication-printing of brochures, posters, expenses for the distribution - sending of the said material as well as expenses for the construction of a website for the promotion and promotion of the breed

  4. Technical and scientific advisor for technical and scientific support by providing specialized know-how on the management of animal genetic resources at the exploitation level.

  5. Cost of participation in zootechnical exhibitions including the transport of animals, their nutrition, the rental and landscaping of the space and the accommodation and travel expenses of the accompanying persons and persons for the maintenance of an information kiosk


For energy D :

  1. Costs of supplies, materials, instruments and implementation procedures


Amount of eligible costs


The amount of eligible costs depends on the physical object of the project undertaken by the beneficiary and specifically:

  • from  τον  number  of  controlled  animals  in  function  with  τον  number  livestock farms,  τον  number  of  measured  selective  characteristics,  the  methodology of genealogy and performance control and the peculiarities of the breed

  • from the official country data in the ICAR database.

  • from the experience of the respective program of Action 3.4, Measure 214 of Axis 2 of the RDP 2007-2013


Based on the above criteria, the competent committee of article 16 of ΥΑ 481/66703 / 01-07-2016 (Government Gazette 1994) determines the amount of eligible costs, with a maximum of the average cost per animal per year and  three years as follows:


Cattle :  up to 40 euros / animal / year (Actions A and B)

Goats :  up to 22 euros / animal / year (Actions A and B)

Sheep :  up to 22 euros / animal / year (Actions A and B)

Pigs :  up to 100 euros / animal / year (Actions A and B)

Equidae :  up to 200 euros / animal / year (only for action A)


Duration of Transactions

The implementation period of the actions undertaken by the beneficiaries is three years, with the following exceptions:

The duration of implementation may be less than three years in cases where the time remaining for the end of implementation of the Action is less than three years, but can not be less than two years.


The duration of the implementation of the Action may be less than three years in case of insufficient available funds.


Deadline for Submissions is Thursday 2 March 2017 , one month after the invitation is published.

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