Establishment of businesses in North Aegean

Information sheet for submitting applications for financing investment projects in the Action
The new Action “Strengthening the establishment of small and very small innovative enterprises of the North. Aegean, with priority in the fields of RIS3 " aims to establish and strengthen innovative business activities, creating incentives for the development of entrepreneurship, improving the degree of economic exploitation of innovative ideas by turning them into marketable products / services, improvement of entrepreneurship indicators in the Region.
Submission Period:
Start of Submissions: 19 December 2019
Deadline for Submissions: October 6, 2020
Eligible program KAD
Beneficiaries of the Action:
The following have the right to submit to the program:
(a) legal persons or
(b) natural persons who have attained the age of 18 years
at the date of submission of the investment proposal, and which are
to set up small and very small businesses
Investment Plans & Support
Investment plans from 20,000 up to 300,000 euros.
In the present action the public financing amounts to 60% and the private participation to 40%.
Basic Conditions for Participation
The applicants it must:
To have a date of commencement of activity mandatory after the date of submission of the proposal
Aim to develop / market / commercialize products or services through the implementation / integration of innovative ideas and innovative methods
They must be (since their establishment) of a speculative nature
The submitted proposal should fall under the Activity Code Numbers
Businesses must be based and implement the investment plan in the North Aegean Region
To be able to prove that they can secure at least 40% of it budget of the Investment Plan
Subsidized Expenses
Costs for investments in assets
Investments in building installations
Machinery - equipment
Intangible assets
Technological upgrade through the increase of ICT use
Consultant agency
Aid for participation in trade fairs
Professional exhibitions held in Greece (up to € 10,000)
Professional exhibitions held abroad (up to € 20,000)
Innovation Aid
Expenditure on intangible assets
Expenditure on innovation services
Knowledge and patents
Staff costs (Salary costs of new staff)
Operating costs
Expenditures incurred from the date of issuance of this invitation, ie 18/12/2019 are eligible.

THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones: 2112155988 or .