Private projects to support local development in the Prefecture of Magnesia through LEADER

The Leader Local Development Program for private projects in the Regional Units of Magnesia and Sporades announces 2 sub-projects which strengthen investments in various sectors of the economy and more specifically processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products and tourism.
In more detail:
Response Establishment, modernization and expansion of production units, storage and marketing of agricultural products resulting in AGRICULTURAL product, with emphasis on compliance with hygiene standards, occupational safety, but also on the utilization of primary production of organic products and quality products.
Action Establishment, modernization and expansion of businesses active in the overnight, catering and alternative forms of tourism. All businesses must be equipped with energy and water saving systems.
Target Audience
Micro and small enterprises within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361 / EC
Submission period
From 14/4/2021 to 16/6/2021
The application for support is done electronically through the website of the State Aid Information System (PSKE) . After the electronic submission to the PSC, the potential beneficiaries must, within 5 working days and by 15:00, submit (or send by mail or courier) to the LAG proof of submission of the application for support, as produced by the PSC together with physical file which will contain all the supporting documents.
Application area
Thessaly Region
Area of application is the whole area of intervention of the Local Program (Prefecture of Magnesia and Sporades) except the Municipal Units of Volos and N. Ionia.
What is funded
For the eligible costs of the sub-actors, the total eligible costs will amount to up to € 600,000.00 or up to € 100,000 (when it concerns the implementation of intangible actions) and will cover costs that indicatively and on a case-by-case basis will relate to:
• Building facilities and infrastructure and environmental projects
• Mechanical equipment
• Other Equipment
• RES equipment
• Studies
• Studies of implementation and certification of quality systems and signals
• Utilization of internet
• Software development
• Landscaping
• Promotion - Promotion
• Design and production of information and advertising material
• Lease of premises and equipment
• Equipment and audiovisual media
• Expenditures for land acquisition.
€ 763,394.47
Support 193,394.47 euros
Support 570,000.00 euros
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones: 2112155988 or .