Measure 9 "Establishment of producer groups and organizations" of the Rural Development Program 2014 - 2020

Information program Measure 9 "Establishment of producer groups and organizations" of PAA. 2014 - 2020
Program Description
The aim of the Measure is to bring together producers in groups or organizations in the field of agriculture that will help them jointly face market challenges, strengthen their bargaining power, expand the number of potential buyers and reduce costs per producer. production.
The Public Expenditure of this call amounts to 25,000,000 € and is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development "Ε.Γ.Τ.Α.Α.". This amount will be allocated to Legal Commitments arising from the granting of aid resulting from the implementation of this call for Measure 9.
Amounts and percentages of support
The first installment is paid after the issuance of the integration decision with the submission of a relevant application by the beneficiary. The remaining four (4) installments are paid one each year for the next four (4) years and upon completion of the calendar year from the recognition of the team / organization by the competent body with the submission of a relevant application by the beneficiary.
In case the producer group / producer organization has been recognized in a year prior to the application for support then after the issuance of the accession decision it can submit a payment application for the number of operating years that have been completed on the date of its submission.
The calculation of the production value for the payment installment if the producer group or producer organization has not completed a calendar year of operation from its recognition, is based on the average annual value of the members' marketed production during three (3 ) years before the recognition of the group or organization.
In the event that the producer group or producer organization has completed a calendar year of operation from its recognition the calculation of the production value is derived from the average annual value of the commercial production of the producer group or producer organization. The average annual value is derived from the corresponding tax data (invoices).
For the following years the production value is included as an estimate in the business plan and is verified by the respective documents (invoices). The certification of the value of traded production results in all the above cases from a chartered accountant registered in the register of Auditors of ELTE, for the product or products that the group / organization has recognized, for each calendar year from their recognition.
The amount of support is paid per year as follows:
10% of the production value that has been placed on the market during the 1st year after recognition (according to the second paragraph of par. 3 of article 27 of Reg.1305 / 2013)
8% of the marketed production value in the 2nd year after recognition
6% of the production value that has been marketed in the 3rd year after recognition
4% of the marketed production value in the 4th year after recognition
2% of the marketed production value in the 5th year after recognition
The integration budget is calculated as the sum of the estimated annual payment amounts, as shown in the relevant table of the business plan and can not be increased.
The annual support of each beneficiary can not exceed € 100,000 .
New producer groups and producer organizations, which have been officially recognized in accordance with no. 397/18235/2017 ΥΑ (ΒΔ 601), as in force, after the publication of law 4384/2016 and belong to the category of Very Small, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as defined in the recommendation of the Commission (2003/361 / EC) (Annex I) for the purpose in accordance with par. 1 of article 27 of Reg. 1305/2013.
The minimum number of members for the crop production groups is 10, for the animal production groups 5 and for the crop and animal production producer organizations as provided by No. 397/18235/2017 ΥΑ (Government Gazette 601 / Β / 2017), as it applies each time.
Basic conditions for participation of the beneficiaries are the following:
To be based in Greece
In the event that the Group / Organization is a clearly defined part of a legal entity of cooperative or commercial law to operate with separate accounting and / or administrative management, according to the decision of the second paragraph of paragraph 3 of article 37 of law 4384/2016.
Beneficiary eligibility criteria
They are not eligible as candidates for inclusion in Measure 9 and the following can not be considered beneficiaries of support:
Producer groups or producer organizations that have not been recognized in accordance with No. 397/18235/2017 ΥΑ (ΒΔ 601), as in force.
Producer organizations that implement a business plan / work program under Reg.1308 / 2013 during the same period.
Producer groups or producer organizations that have been recognized before the publication of Law 4384/2016.
Producer organizations, the objectives of which are incompatible with Articles 152 and 159 of Regulation 1308/2013.
Producer groups or producer organizations resulting from mergers of existing producer groups and producer organizations.
Those who do not obtain the minimum overall score regarding the scoring criteria of Measure 9, as formulated by the Monitoring Committee of the RDP 2014 - 2020.
Those who declare false or inaccurate information by submitting the support application.
Those who do not submit in writing and / or electronically together with the application for support the required supporting documents within the required time limits in accordance with the announcement of Measure 9.
Producer groups / producer organizations whose members have previously participated in another group or organization which has received support from this Measure.
Duration of Transactions :
For the transactions that will be selected in the context of the present, the physical object must have been completed and a final request for payment must have been submitted by the respective beneficiary in accordance with the provisions of the Accession Decision, which is included and not later than the 31st August 2023.
Application Period:.
The submission of support applications takes place during the period from 08/01/2018 to 07/05/2018 .
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