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NSRF 2014-2020:

Young Entrepreneurship Program
























The program concerns the establishment of new small and very small enterprises by the unemployed and by professionals who have no employment relationship.

It aims at  creating very small and small, sustainable businesses with an emphasis on innovative business plans and boosting employment by creating sustainable new jobs.


They can participate

  1. Unemployed registered in the OAED unemployment registers when submitting the application.

  2. Individual service entrepreneurs, who are active entrepreneurs without a paid employment relationship and do not receive an old-age pension at the date of publication of the invitation.


They are subsidized with

amount from 15,000 euros up to 60,000 euros


They are subsidized for

The establishment of a company in the 8 strategic priority areas

  • Agri-food / Food Industry

  • Cultural & Creative Industries (PDB)

  • Materials / Constructions

  • Supply chain

  • Energy

  • Environment

  • ICT Information and Communication Technologies

  • Health-Medicines.


Eligible corporate forms

Ltd., OE, EE, IKE, Cooperative Enterprise as well as Social Cooperative Enterprise (KOIN.S.EP). The SA is not an eligible corporate form for the action.


Eligible costs:

  • Purchase of equipment (up to 40% of the investment plan)

  • Operating (business premises rent, electricity costs, business telephony costs)

  • Expenses for third party fees (legal, accounting support)

  • Hosting services in incubators 

  • Expenses for promotion, networking and participation in exhibitions

  • Depreciation of fixed assets

  • Purchase / Leasing of equipment

  • Supply of consumables

  • Beneficiary insurance contributions (entrepreneur / partner)

  • Salary costs for new position (s)

  • Expenditure on preparation, submission, certification or renewal of a recognized industrial or intellectual property title


The costs will be eligible ONLY if they are made after 17.03.2016 date of commencement of the electronic submission of the funding application . The funding covers 100% of the eligible costs.


Basic conditions for participation

Subsidy from programs in the past: The interested party must not have been approved and have not received support from co-financed programs from 1.01.2012 until the date of submission of the application. Participation in co-financed training activities is excluded


When and how to apply for funding

  • Funding applications are submitted ONLY electronically.

  • The start of the electronic submission will be on 17.03.2016 and will remain open until 27.04.2016.

  • There is no question of priority of filing the files as the evaluation will start after 27.04.2016.

  • The companies that will be evaluated positively in the action will be informed about the exact time and place of sending / receipt of the physical file that will include the supporting documents.



The duration of the implementation of the approved projects is set at twenty four (24) months from the date of the decision to include the business plan.




  Indicative categories of eligible costs for the two-year aid period are:

  • the necessary  professional productive  equipment up to 40% of the total project budget (excluding EME costs), 

  • the operating costs of the activity (business premises rents, insurance contributions, third party expenses such as PPC, OTE, EYDAP, natural gas, mobile professional telephony),

  • incubation costs for the first 2 years of operation (providing secretarial and administrative support, use of equipment, specialized consulting services - market analysis, legal and accounting issues, business plan development, human resources issues, specialized education / training services, networking activities for support of business groups, coordination and evaluation of implementation, etc.),

  • promotion and networking costs, 

  • the cost of paid work (in the case of hiring an employee) up to an annual unit of work (EMU),

  • the general equipment  (offices, living rooms, etc.),

  • accessibility interventions for the disabled,

  • the fees of third parties.


It is noted that the companies that will be subsidized for their production equipment must be maintained for at least three (3) years from the completion of the business plan.

Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submit NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.

For more information call the company's phones at: 2112155988 or email .

Contact us

Tel: +30 2112155988

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