Action 4.3.4: “Improving access to Agricultural Land
and Livestock Farms »
Under Measure 4: "Investments in tangible assets", sub-measure 4.3: "Support for investments in infrastructure related to the development, modernization or adaptation of agriculture and forestry" and action 4.3.4: " Improving access to agricultural land and livestock farms "of the RDP 2014-2020, municipalities and regions are invited to submit proposals
The action concerns the expansion and improvement of the access to agricultural land and / or livestock holdings and aims at the reduction of the transport costs of the products, the easier and faster access of the agricultural machines as well as the faster and safer transport of the vulnerable products.
Ensuring easy and safe access to agricultural and livestock farms, in rural areas, throughout the year, along with the improvement and modernization of cultivation methods (machine access, easy movement of production, etc.) contributes to the improvement of competitiveness of farms, with a positive effect on agricultural income.
Indicatively, the scope of action includes the construction of access projects to agricultural or livestock or mixed exploitation, with mandatory cement or asphalt paving in off-plan areas within the administrative boundaries of each Region.
The main difference with the road construction that can potentially be strengthened in LEADER areas, through article 20-1b "Investments for the creation, improvement or expansion of all types of small-scale infrastructure" is that the reinforced road construction, from the present action, as the main The beneficiary is the farmer-breeder and aims to facilitate his access to agricultural, livestock or mixed (crop and animal production) holding.
Potential Beneficiaries
The Local Government Organizations (OTA) of the first degree of the regions:
Mainland Greece
Of Western Greece
Central Macedonia
Western Macedonia
North Aegean
South Aegean
Of Crete
Budget limits per Region and per Proposal
Submission Deadlines
The deadline for the eligibility of the expenditure, ie the completion of the physical and financial object of the proposed operations is set at 31 December 2023. However, the physical object must be completed and the final payment request must be submitted by the beneficiaries no later than August 31, 2023.
Each transaction will refer to one (1) rural road.
Each Beneficiary can submit up to two (2) proposals of actions depending on the region.
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email
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Action Bulletin 4.3.4