Sub-measure 4.2 of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020 Action 4.2.2: Processing, marketing and development of agricultural products with a final product other than Annex I TFEU (non-agricultural product)
Sub-measure 4.2 : "Support for investments in the processing, marketing and / or development of agricultural products"
Action 4.2.2 : "Processing, marketing and development of agricultural products with a final product other than Annex I TFEU (non-agricultural product)".
Action 4.2.2 supports micro, small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of Commission Recommendation 2003/361 / EC. Eligible is any form of business that has the obligation to keep books of category B or DG, with the exception of companies operating in the form of company, civil law company and consortium
Objectives of the action , among others, are:
a) increasing the added value of the products of the above industries by making them more attractive to the consumer;
b) the integration of innovation processes and the use of new technologies as well as environmentally friendly processes, which reduce the phenomenon of climate change;
c) the maintenance and creation of jobs as well as the protection of human health.
The application for support concerns one or more of the following eligible sectors :
Tobacco processing for the production of cigars or cigarillos.
Processing of bee products (pollen, propolis, royal jelly and other products).
Essential oil production units.
Nuclear oil plant units.
Units for the production of spirits from fruit and vegetables or wine.
Agricultural processing units for the production of cosmetology and food products (such as mastic products, donkey milk).
Plants for the production, marketing and packaging of plant nutrition products.
Units for the production of rennet and its concentrates.
Utilization of by-products, residues and waste of industrial food items.
Production of Cotton and other fibers.
Hemp and flax fiber processing units. Sericulture - beekeeping - snail farming - various animals.
Eligible investment projects
Supported investment projects include:
Establishments of production units and storage areas
Modernizations of production units and storage areas
Extensions of production units and storage spaces
Relocations of production units and warehouses
Unit mergers
Product management units
Entities applying for processing aid for a product in Annex I TFEU (agricultural product) to a non-Annex I product (non-agricultural) must be active or willing to be involved in the first processing of the agricultural product and use that product as raw material which will further process it, resulting in a final product outside Annex I of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
The establishment of olive mills is not eligible.
The establishment of a slaughterhouse is eligible only in island areas and an annual capacity of up to 400 tons of meat.
The establishment of poultry slaughterhouses is only eligible in mountainous or island areas.
Eligible expenses
Construction or improvement of building infrastructure, acquisition or improvement of real estate, where land is eligible only when it does not exceed 10% of the total eligible costs.
Configuration of the surrounding area in order to serve the needs of the unit.
Purchase, transport and installation of equipment, including laboratory equipment to the extent that it serves the operation of the unit. Renewable energy equipment for business needs, water saving, waste treatment and energy saving, is not supported as an individual action but as part of the total productive investment. Expenses for the connection with electricity, water supply, telephony, geothermal networks are supported if they are carried out within the boundaries of the plot. Expenditures related to renewable energy sources fall under the restrictions of Reg. (EU) 1407/2013 (de minimis). The aid rate is 65% of the eligible costs of the support application related to the specific cost category. Where such expenditure is included in the application for support, the responsible declaration and tables in Annex III to this call must be completed. It is pointed out that according to Reg. (EU) 1407/2013, the total amount of de minimis aid granted to the single company can not exceed the amount of 200,000 euros in any period of three financial years.
Purchase of new vehicles for the transport of special type products which, according to national legislation, are considered necessary for the operation of the investment in order to ensure the quality and hygiene of the product (concerns the raw material and the produced product / by-product).
Internal means of transport that meet the needs of the investment (such as forklifts, hoists).
Obtaining quality assurance certificates from competent organizations (such as ISO, HACCP, BRC Global Standards, IFS Food Standard, GLOBALG.AP), which are applied at all stages of the food chain, from the field to the shelf and ensure quality to the consumer and the safety of the food it consumes.
Business equipment costs (such as purchase of fax machines, telephone installations, intercom networks, computers and peripherals, photocopiers, installation security systems, installation fire protection systems).
General expenses related to the plant's facilities and equipment, such as fees for architects, engineers and consultants, fees for advice on environmental and financial sustainability, including costs for feasibility studies.
Intangible expenses such as acquisition or development of software and obtaining patents, licenses, intellectual property rights, trademarks, creation of a recognizable mark (label) of the product, market research to shape the image of the product (packaging, marking).
The eligible costs related to the first processing, if such costs are included in the aid application, may also relate to the purchase of new vehicles and in particular transport vehicles of special type which, according to national law, are considered necessary for the operation of the investment in order to to ensure the quality and hygiene of the product (concerns the raw material and the produced product / by-product). Examples include: lorries transporting bulk flour silos, isothermal tanks necessary for transporting milk to the standardization - processing area, tank trucks transporting olive kernel and liquid waste of olive mills and dispersing them on agricultural land, refrigerators exclusively for transport, of animal by-products to inactivation units, with specifications in accordance with the current legislation (Reg. (EC) 1069/2009 & Reg. (EC) 142/2011), in the context of the action concerning the establishment and modernization of inactivation units for slaughter by-products. Under this action, only vehicles will be subsidized that will be approved for the transport (Animal By-Products) of category 1 SPAs whose owners will undertake to receive the dead animals from farms belonging to the geographical area for which they will be committed, in order to manage them in their business. The amount of expenditure for the purchase of special type vehicles may not exceed 10% of the budget of the investment plan.
Notes :
No expenses are subsidized such as rental of buildings, maintenance works of building installations and mechanical equipment, green works, road construction works outside the installation site of the unit, leisure equipment, purchase of depreciable materials in less than a year, used equipment and equipment not replaced, equipment , staff fees, costs of creating a website and printed advertising material, etc.
The proposed operation must be of an incentive nature and for this purpose work on the project to be supported must not have been commenced prior to the submission of the aid application by the beneficiaries under this call. Otherwise the whole project becomes ineligible for funding.
The public Aid of this call amounts to 3 0.000.000 € (one hundred and twenty million euros) and is co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the Greek State.
The budget limits for each investment project are as follows:
Minimum requested budget: € 600,000
Maximum requested budget: € 3,000,000
Aid intensity
The aid percentages for the requested PC amount to up to 50% , in particular:
Beneficiary eligibility criteria
a) Applications for support are not supported under this sub-measure:
submitted by bodies considered to be firms in difficulty pursuant to Article 2 (14) of Commission Regulation (EU) 702/2014 on the declaration of certain categories of aid in the fields of agriculture and forestry and in rural areas compatible with the internal market pursuant to Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union as in force from time to time.
submitted by bodies for which an imputation decision has been issued for violations of the obligations arising from their inclusion in the invitations of both this sub-measure and the corresponding measures of previous rural development programs, and no proof of payment of the imputed amount has been presented.
with a requested budget outside the limits set out above.
concerning the processing of products (as raw material) which do not belong to Annex I to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
relating to genetically modified non-feed products.
relating to retail trade.
relating to investments for which work has been commenced prior to the submission of the application for support with the result that the incentive nature is not met.
relating to unsustainable investments.
legal entities which have not been set up by the date of electronic submission of the application and natural persons which have not started a business by the date of its electronic submission.
b) In any case, the beneficiaries for whom a recovery order is pending issued on the basis of a previous decision of the Commission or the ECJ [(Reg. (EU) 702/2014, article 1 par. 5a)] are not supported.
c) The bodies that had joined in the previous programming period (RDP 2007-2013) have the opportunity to apply for support, provided that the physical and financial object of this investment has been completed and has been received by the competent Monitoring Committee. In this case, the application for support that will be submitted under the RDP 2014-2020, will include expenditures that have not been included and financed in the previous programming period of the RDP or in another program.
Submission dates
The submission of the electronic application for support to the PSKE takes place during the period from 27/07/2017 to 31/12/2017 .
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