Pre-publication of Special Action for Open Innovation in Culture
Title: "Culture, Cultural Heritage, Science and Technology"
In the context of the implementation of the NSRF 2014-2020 in the field of Research, Technology and Innovation, the General Secretariat for Research & Technology of the Ministry of Education, Research & Religions in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture intends to announce the special action of Open Innovation in Culture focusing on "Culture, Cultural Heritage, Science and Technology" .
The aim of this initiative is the development of original research devices, new technologies or other innovative applications and processes with pillars of intervention: the diagnosis, preservation, documentation and promotion of monuments, works of art, objects and other historical elements of culture. This will be achieved through the pilot development and operation of publicly accessible demonstration facilities in areas such as museums, monuments, open excavations, diagnostic and maintenance laboratories that use innovative techniques . In addition, this action aims to encourage and strengthen innovative companies that are active in the fields of Culture, Tourism and Cultural Creative Industries and aim at new products or services.
Specific objectives of the action are:
Promoting research, technology and innovation and their applications in the fields of culture and cultural heritage,
Upgrading the competitiveness of companies that utilize research results, innovative technologies or processes related to culture and cultural heritage as key elements of their strategic & development planning,
The development of innovative products or services with high added value, the improvement of the competitiveness of companies and their penetration into new markets, through the participation in demonstration projects,
The strengthening of the participation of the companies in the undertaking of S&T activities and the more effective connection of the research & academic system of the country with the sector "culture - tourism - cultural & creative industries".
The total public expenditure of the forthcoming announcement amounts to € 13 million and its total budget is estimated to amount to € 14 million .
The action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the OP "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2014-2020 and is part of Priority Axes 01 and 01C, Investment Priority 1b and Specific Target 1..
Eligible beneficiaries for submission of proposals are Culture bodies, research bodies and companies with establishment within the Greek territory.
The Action will be implemented with two distinct, but complementary interventions:
Intervention A - Collaborative schemes for open innovation in culture
Intervention B - Innovative enterprises for culture and cultural heritage
Intervention A will be implemented by cooperative schemes, in which at least one Culture body, one research body (Research Center and / or Academic Institution and / or Technological body and one company will participate and will concern the fields of intervention of diagnosis, maintenance, documentation and It is clarified that it is possible to cooperate with foreign bodies, in the context of strengthening international interventions, covering only the costs of networking. initiatives for the diffusion and promotion of innovative technologies that have connected Greek culture over time.
Intervention B is addressed to companies that are active or redefine their object in the fields of Culture, Tourism and Cultural Creative Industries for the development of innovative technologies or the creation of companies with innovative orientation in the above pillars of intervention (diagnosis, maintenance, documentation cultural stock).
Eligible costs:
Aid for research and development projects:
- Staff costs,
- Instrument and equipment costs,
- Expenditure on contract research,
- Additional overheads and other operating expenses.
Innovation aid for SMEs:
- Expenditure on obtaining, validating and protecting patents.
Under the Action, operations with a maximum eligible budget (Public Expenditure) are supported:
For Intervention A : up to € 1,000,000 per project
For Intervention B : up to 150,000 € per company
The amount of the grant for companies, depending on their size (small, medium or large company) ranges from 65% -80% for industrial research , while for experimental development from 40% -60% . Research institutions are funded with 100% of the project cost .
The evaluation criteria of the proposals are the following:
A. Quality - reliability of the bodies,
B. Scientific and technological quality of the proposal
C. Impact - Utilization of results.
Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submit NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company at: 2112155988 or email .