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Organic Farming Program - Submissions until February 22

The invitation of Measure 11 of the Rural Development Program was published  2014-2020, "Organic Farms", with the total Public Expenditure of the invitation amounting to 443,000,000 euros . Among other things, the announcement states the following:




Action 11.1.1 : Aid for conversion into organic practices and production methods in agriculture

Action 11.1.2 : Aid for conversion into organic practices and production methods in animal husbandry


Action 11.2.1 : Conservation aid for organic farming practices and production methods

Action 11.2.2 : Aid for conservation in organic practices and production methods in animal husbandry




Measure 11 "Organic crops" aims to offer public goods that contribute to the protection of the environment and the welfare of animals. In particular, in terms of achieving environmental goals, it contributes: 

A) in  protection of soil and biodiversity by increasing organic matter and reducing pollutants

B) in the protection of water through the reduction of pollutants

C) improving the greenhouse gas balance by increasing soil organic matter and reducing N2O and CH4 emissions

D) in mitigation and adaptation to climate change

E) to prevent soil erosion and to improve soil management.


Scope and Geographical areas of application


A) Geographical areas of application -  The Action is implemented throughout the country.


B) Scope


  1. Actions 11.1.1 and 1 1.2.1
    They are applied to plots with arable crops and / or permanent crops (orchards, vineyards)

  2. Actions 11.1.2 and 11.2.2
    They are applied in pastures. These pastures must have been declared, together with the farmed animals, in the applicant's Single Aid Application (SAD) for the year 2016.


Type of Aid

The support is granted on an annual basis and per hectare of agricultural land, in order for the beneficiaries to be compensated for the lost income, additional costs and transaction costs that, where appropriate, entail the conversion or maintenance of organic farming practices, in accordance with the principles and organic production methods as defined in Council Regulation (EC) No 8 34/2007 .



The total Public Expenditure of 443 million euros is distributed as follows:


A) Sub-measure 11.1 : One hundred million ( 100,000,000 ) euros 
Action 11.1.1 : Sixty-six million ( 66,000,000 ) euros
Action 11.1.2 : Thirty four million ( 34,000,000 ) euros


B) Sub-measure 11.2 : three hundred forty three million ( 343,000,000 ) euros
Action 11.2.1 : One hundred and eighty three million ( 183,000,000 ) euros
Action 11.2.2 : One hundred and sixty million ( 160,000,000 ) euros

Amplification amount

You can see the amount of aid for each action in the respective tables  of the published invitation.



a) Beneficiaries of the measure can be considered natural or legal persons or groups of natural or legal persons, who are active farmers .


(b) The following categories of candidates may not be considered beneficiaries, even if they meet the conditions of point (a) above:
1. those who have joined the early retirement scheme or their spouses
2. early retirees for whom a decision has been taken to exclude any aid from the agricultural sector for ten years

3. those who have been expelled from an agri-environmental measure or action in a previous Programming Period, due to intentional submission of inaccurate data and a period of two calendar years has not elapsed from the expulsion.


c) Eligible for inclusion in sub-measure 11.1 are the "new entrants" , ie the farmers who undertake to include in the system of organic farming, plots and / or pastures and / or animal farms that are not included in an active contract with the Organization for Control and Certification (OE). ) until the date of issuance of this Call for Expressions of Interest.


d) Eligible for inclusion in sub-measure 11.2 , are candidates with parcels and / or pastures and / or animal farms, which are included in the system of organic farming , through a contract with a Control and Certification Organization, which has been concluded until the date of issue of this Call for Expressions of Interest. These candidates, if they own land and / or pastures and / or animal farms, which are not included in the above mentioned contract with an Audit and Certification Agency, until the date of issuance of this Call for Expressions of Interest, are eligible to in sub-measure 11.1 for the said parcels and / or pastures and / or animal farms.


e) A candidate may apply for support in as many of the announced actions as he wishes

Final Submission Date  is set for Wednesday, February 22, 2017 .

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