France, Spain, Canada, Hungary, Israel and The Netherlands promotional call for projects in Eurostars

France, Spain, Canada, Hungary, Israel and The Netherlands are active members of Eurostars and want to increase the number of their joint project proposals. Therefore, France, Spain, Canada, Hungary, Israel and The Netherlands are announcing a Promotional Call for Project Ideas within the Eurostars program.
Call information
From: 18-April-2018
To: 13-September-2018
The main objective of this call is to stimulate the generation of Eurostars projects. Consortia with successful applications to Eurostars can apply for funding through the national EUREKA offices in France (BPI France), Spain (CDTI), Canada (NRC IRAP), Hungary (NRDI), Israel (ISERD) and The Netherlands ( , according to the eligibility criteria of the various National Funding Bodies involved. This call for project outlines is managed in cooperation and in line with the international Eurostars innovation platform.
Special focus
Although Eurostars is open for projects within all technology fields, this Call for project outlines is focused on developing innovative products, processes or service systems in the fields of “Market driven R&D in innovative technologies applied to the food chain ” . Applicants are expected to develop ready-to-market solutions for products, technology-based services or methods in:
Food technology (processing, packaging and labeling, additives),
Food safety and quality (food-borne diseases, quality and nutritional properties),
Novel proteins and food products
Valorization of agricultural waste streams (organic waste from agriculture, Agro-industrial side streams, waste streams from food-processing)
Eligibility criteria
The project partners are invited to present joint proposals for industrial, close-to-the-market R&D projects resulting in new products, processes or services with a strong market potential. The proposals should comply with the following guidelines:
The project consortium should consist of at least 2 partners from two different participating countries. The main partner (the co-ordinator of the project) must be a research and development performing SME. Research institutes, universities and (large) companies are welcome as partners or subcontractors according to each country funding regulations. However, at least 50% of the project must be performed by the participating R&D performing SMEs.
Industrial and innovation actors from other countries may also participate, but they will not be funded by the BPI France, CDTI, NRC-IRAP, NRDI, ISERD or RVO. They can, however, be funded through their own national (Eurostars) schemes or participate with their own resources.
The project should clearly demonstrate the contribution of all participants.
The project should have an obvious advantage and added-value resulting from the cooperation between the participants. One country or one partner cannot represent more than 75% of the project budget.
The project must have a civilian purpose.
The participating national Eurostars offices will provide access to existing national public funding. This means that funding conditions and eligibility criteria may vary between countries. National funding to approved project proposals, ie labeled Eurostars projects, will be considered under the normal national funding schemes for the programs. There is noadditional budget allocated to this call for project outlines.
Call launch and structure
The Call will be launched on 18th of April 2018 by BPI France, CDTI, NRC IRAP, NRDI, ISERD and and invites partners to present a full proposal in the 10th Eurostars call on September, 13th. In order to check the eligibility of your consortium, your project idea and to assist you with improving your application, we strongly advise you to share your project outline (see the attached Project Outline Form “Food call 2018 - Project Outline Form”) with the Eurostars contact person in your country well in advance to the call deadline. BPI France, CDTI, NRC-IRAP, NRDI, and RVO offer specific support in the preparation of the full applications. The relevant offices can provide a professional assessment of your draft proposal if it is sent for comments before the 31st of August 2018 at the latest.
Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as to help you arrange the partners of the project.