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Promoting European values through sport at the municipal level

Description of the Call for Proposals

Deadline for applications:  26/7/2018 (12 pm Brussels time).

In the context of this preparatory action, it is proposed to provide support to organizations that promote initiatives in the field of sports at the local level in order to spread the positive values of sport.

Support should be given to organizations seeking to promote sport and physical activity at municipal level, in particular within the European Capital of Culture, Community and Sport City, as their action benefits all citizens. The support of organizations that are active throughout the year in this field is in the interest of our society, in terms of capacity development, networking and the ability to develop 2 specific projects at the local level. This support can take various forms, which together contribute to the promotion of the positive values of sport.

This preparatory action will be implemented in two parts:

  1. encouraging capacity building to provide support to organizations that promote common values through the development of sport at municipal level across the EU;

  2. to support the establishment of networking links and the establishment of activities for the mutual exchange of information between municipalities in areas related to sport.


For strand 1:

  • must be public or private organizations with legal personality, which are active in the field of sports and physical activity and organize sports and physical activity activities

  • must be based in one of the 28 EU Member States.

Examples (indicative list):

  • non-profit organizations (private or public)

  • public authorities (national, regional, local)

  • International organizations

  • sports clubs

  • universities

  • educational institutions

  • businesses.

For strand 2:

  • be public bodies, operating at local or municipal level in one of the 28 EU Member States.

Examples (indicative list):

  • cities / municipalities

  • other levels of local / regional authorities

  • federations / associations of local authorities

  • non-profit organizations representing local authorities.

Individuals are not eligible to apply for a grant under this call.

Implementation period

  • Activities can not start before January 1, 2019 or after March 31, 2019.

  • Activities must be completed by 31 December 2020.

The maximum duration of the projects is 6 months.

Applications for projects scheduled to be shorter or longer than those specified in this call for proposals will not be accepted.

The Commission reserves the right not to allocate all available financial resources.

Available budget

The total available budget for the co-financing of the projects is estimated at € 1,000,000 .

The EU grant is limited to a maximum co-financing rate of 80% of total eligible costs. The appropriations for the following years will be confirmed at a later stage.


The maximum amount to be granted under part 1 amounts to € 3,000,000 . The maximum amount per grant under strand 1 will amount to € 300,000 . The Commission expects about 1 project to be funded.


The maximum amount that will be granted under part 2 amounts to € 700,000 . The maximum amount per grant under strand 2 will amount to € 230,000.  The Commission expects about 3 or 4 projects to be funded.


The Commission reserves the right not to allocate all available financial resources.

THE  Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


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