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European Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Program (RISE) (Horizon 2020, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Actions)


The RISE program provides the possibility of significant funding to Greek small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by hosting researchers from academic and research institutions abroad. In particular, the program concerns the implementation of research work by partnerships of institutions (SMEs, academic and research institutions) that includes secondment of staff at interdisciplinary, European and international level. Funding per submitted approved project can be up to 100% of substantial funding. The thematic areas are eligible: Chemistry, Economics, Informatics / Engineering. Environment and geology, Biology (Life sciences), Mathematics, Physics, Social sciences, Humanities.

Eligible Organizations and Companies (from academic and non-academic sector):


• Private entities (SMEs) operating legally in the EU in Research and Innovation for at least the last six months.

• Public and private higher education institutions awarding academic degrees.

• Public and private research organizations.

• International Organizations of European Interest.

Eligible Staff:

The staff exchange concerns:

• young researchers (with experience of 6 months to 4 years),

• experienced researchers (PhD holders or with experience of 4 years or more),

• Administrative, management and technical staff supporting research and innovation activities in the participating entities for at least 6 months.

Allowed secondments / exchanges of staff:

Postings can be made:

• either between an academic and a non-academic body between 2 Member States and associated and  vice versa (European / interdisciplinary),

• either from a Member State body to a third country body regardless of industry and vice versa (international), provided that the body from the third country is eligible for funding in accordance with the provisions.

(Unilateral secondment of staff is possible)

Duration of secondments: 1-12 months for each employee

Subsidized Costs:

The costs subsidized by the program are calculated at the submission stage by completing the man-months of posting provided for in the proposal and no budget is required to participate in the program.

The following are provided in detail:

A) Funding for the body recruiting researchers:

• Non-salary expenditure of staff per person per month of posting (travel expenses, housing and accommodation expenses): subsidy of € 2,000 per person per month of posting.

B) Funding for the institution hosting researchers:

• Expenses for research, training and support of the exchange network (consumables, laboratory expenses, participation in conferences, coordination and networking activities): grant of € 1,800 per host month.

• Administrative and indirect costs (administrative and financial management and logistics, human resources, legal advisers, etc.): subsidy of € 700 per host month.

Payments take place throughout the project (prepayments, interim payments and final payments)

Program budget for 2017 : 80 million euros

Maximum estimated number of subsidized man-months : 540 man-months per project

Maximum duration of a project :  4 years.

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