Program: "Supplementary Sponsorship"

Invitation Description:
The "Supplementary Sponsorship" Program aims, on the one hand, to maximize the benefit of the participation of the Cypriot institutions in the projects of the EU "Horizon 2020" Program and, on the other hand, to reward these institutions by strengthening their capacity to maintain and upgrade their capacity to conduct international-level research and to continue to attract funding from the EU Horizon 2020 or other international programs.
Percentage of funding provided by the beneficiary institution from the EU in the framework of a research project or projects of the EU "Horizon 2020" Program will receive it as an Additional Sponsorship from the RPF for utilization in order to enhance its research potential with activities such as research project management staff and purchase new or upgrade existing equipment.
Total Invitation Budget:
€ 4,000,000
Grant / Co-financing Rate:
Maximum Funding per Project - Percentage of 5% of the total amount secured by the beneficiary institution from the EU, in the context of the research project or projects of the "Horizon 2020" Program for which the proposal is made.
Private Bodies
Nonprofit organizations
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Researchers / Research Centers / Organizations
Local Government Principles
Educational institutions
Non-Governmental Organizations
Associations / Associations
Trade Unions
Training Centers
Central Government
Government Agencies and Government Enterprises
Big companies
Eligible to participate are Research Organizations, Businesses and Other Bodies of the Private and the Public and the Wider Public Sector.
Start of Submission of Proposals: 16/09/2016
End of Submission of Proposals: 30/09/2020
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
For more information call the company phones at: 2112155988 or email