Cooperation on agricultural productivity and environmental protection (Measure 16)
Program Information (Measure 16)
The development of cooperation, has transfer of research results to the production process, utilization of new technologies and innovations for the benefit of productivity and meeting the needs of the market of the agricultural sector, producer and consumer and reduction of production costs in the agricultural sector and food sector.
Submission period
Start: 6/6/2018
Expiry: 3/9/2018
More specifically:
Sub-measure 16.1-16.2: Establishment and operation of Business Groups of the European Innovation Partnership (PSC) for the productivity and sustainability of agriculture "of the Rural Development Program of Greece 2014 - 2020 which includes two Actions:
Action 1: Establishment of (potential) PSC Business Groups for agricultural productivity and sustainability
Action 2: Implementation of the business plan (project) of the PSC Operational Teams for the productivity and sustainability of agriculture
Sub-measures 16.1 - 16.2 support the development of partnerships, through PSC Operational Groups, for actions related to the development of new products, processes and technologies in the agricultural sector in order to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in primary production (agricultural holdings) and in the field of food, such as:
the production of safer and higher nutritional value foods aimed at either the general population or specific categories
ensuring the uniqueness of certified agricultural products
the utilization of by-products of agricultural production and by-products of animal production for the production of animal feed
highlighting the special nutritional characteristics of agricultural products and their contribution to the adoption of healthy eating patterns (such as foods rich in Ω3, naturally unsaturated, low-calorie) or the production of food that meets special dietary needs
the best integration in the food chain of Greek livestock products
Innovative and collaborative practices for the production and use of feed
New methods and practices for the welfare and protection of productive animals
Creating new milk and meat products
Use of new technology and information systems for the monitoring and management of the livestock and the microclimate of the livestock unit.
Sub-measure 16.1-16.5: Cooperation for environmental projects, environmental practices and actions for climate change "of the Rural Development Program of Greece 2014 - 2020 which includes two Actions:
Action 1: Establishment of partnerships, establishment of PSC Business Teams, with the aim of promoting actions that show respect for environmental protection and adaptation to climate change
Action 2: Implementation of the business plan (project) of the collaborations in order to promote actions that show respect for the protection of the environment and adaptation to climate change.
Sub-measure 16.1 - 16.5 supports the development of collaborations, through Business Groups, for the search for new cultivation practices and production practices that contribute to the protection of the environment and adaptation to climate change, such as:
reducing water consumption through the adoption of advanced irrigation systems and the adoption of precision agriculture
the reduction of the volume but also the composition of the inputs (reduction of the use of fertilizers, pesticides, adoption of new varieties that are better adapted to the local soil, hydrological and climatic conditions, the utilization of RES for the replacement of fossil fuels, the replacement of chemicals)
the adoption of friendlier agricultural practices but also the adoption of crops for the utilization of poor in organic matter and soil nutrients
energy saving (thermal insulation, new air conditioning systems)
Recycling and waste and wastewater management.
The two Actions are implemented in two phases: The first phase - Action 1 concerns the actions carried out by the potential Operational Group for the establishment and finding of other partners / members, while in the second phase Action 2 The Operational Group has now been set up and is implementing the business plan.
Target Audience
The following have the right to apply for support Business Teams (E.O.) which are cooperation schemes of bodies that have a cooperation agreement. The members of E.O. may have any legal form (sole proprietorships, OE, EE, EPE, AE, Koin.Sep.). It is pointed out that, specifically for Action 2, only the beneficiaries of Action 1 can apply for support.
What is funded
The financing of an E.O. (Action 1 or Action 2) concerns 100% except in the case of costs related to productive investment of Measure 4 (Sub-measures 4.1 and 4.2.1).
THE Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.
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