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Strengthening the modernization of tourism or processing companies in Arcadia

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Support to existing micro, small and medium enterprises in the area of implementation of the TAPTO Strategy implemented by the LAG "Arcadia 2020" in the Peloponnese Region, which refer to processing and tourism activities. The present action seeks to strengthen the companies for the implementation of investment plans, in order to increase their competitiveness and consequently to improve their position in the domestic and international market.

Under the Action, investment projects with a duration of 18 to 30 months are supported, depending on their budget, which can not be less than 50,000 euros and can not exceed the amount of 300,000 euros according to what is mentioned in the Detailed Invitation of the Action, which is an integral part of this Decision.


The proposals that will be submitted for support will concern, indicatively in the following categories of activities:

  • Tourism (accommodation services, catering services, administrative / support activities)

  • Production - Processing of food / agri-food products (second processing)

  • Textiles - Clothing

  • Production of industrial products (wood products, metals, chemicals, etc.)

  • Metal processing

  • Paper mill

  • Electrical equipment

  • Machinery and equipment

  • Building materials

  • Mines - Quarries

  • Waste management

  • Wholesale and retail trade - repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

  • Transport support activities.


Target Audience

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361 / EC of 6 May 2003

  • Category A: Start-ups that have been established after 1/1/2016 and which until the date of submission of the funding application, have at least one eligible KAD

  • Category B: Existing companies that have been established before 1/1/2016 and which until the date of submission of the funding application, have at least one eligible KAD.


Submission period

from 29/3/2021 to 27/5/2021 (time 15:00)


The application for funding (investment proposal) is submitted electronically to the State Aid Information System (PSKE) provided by the Ministry of Economy and Development at  with the indication: "TAPTOK Arcadia: Enhancing the modernization of companies active in the provision of tourism services or in the production and distribution of processing products".


€ 2,500,000  

Terms and conditions

The basic conditions for the participation of the companies that submit a proposal are the following:

  • To be active in the eligible sectors of activity (KAD), as well as to have an installation and to carry out the corresponding expenses, for the enhanced investment within the implementation area of the TAPTOK Strategy "Arcadia 2020" in the Peloponnese Region.

  • To have the declared KAD (s) before the submission of the investment proposal.

  • The investment plan will concern only the eligible sectors of activity (KAD).

  • Include Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361 / EC of 6 May 2003 on the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • To operate or to commit that they will operate legally, having the appropriate, in accordance with the current legislation, operating license. In case the license has not been issued or has expired, it is required (at least) the submission of the relevant application for its issuance / renewal. Businesses with activities for which no operating license is required, must submit a document of exemption from the relevant obligation or a Responsible Statement of the Legal Representative, which will confirm that the issuance of an operating license is not required.

  • To operate exclusively in one of the following forms: corporate / commercial enterprises (Societe Anonyme, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company, Limited Liability Company, IKE, NEPA, Sole Proprietorship, Social Cooperative Enterprise of Law 4430/2016 as in force) keep haplographic or diplographic books of law 4308/2014.

  • To be able to prove that they have all or part of the required private participation of the proposed (as eligible) Investment Plan, either with own funds or with a loan.

  • Do not be in bankruptcy, liquidation or forced management.

  • Do not be troubled companies.

  • No recovery of aid is pending against them following a previous Commission decision declaring aid aid illegal and incompatible with the internal market.

  • There should be no grounds for exclusion of article 40 of Law 4488/2017 (A137 / 13.09.2017) and specifically, no fines have been imposed on the company which have acquired final binding force, for violations of labor legislation and in particular for:

    • Violation of "high" or "very high" severity (3 fines / 3 checks)

    • Undeclared work (2 fines / 2 checks).

  • To comply with the legislation on health and safety of workers and prevention of occupational risk.

  • Have or commit with a responsible statement of the Legal Representative that, until the completion of the investment, they will take care of the appropriate infrastructure and services in order to minimize obstacles and facilitate access to them, where necessary and necessary, for people with disabilities. , in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No Regulation (EC) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013. Infrastructure is defined as both the building infrastructure and the electronic applications addressed to the customer (eg websites and other electronic applications, such as electronic information points or / and service, etc.), in accordance with the instructions of ESAmeA.

  • The total amount of de minimis aid previously received by the undertaking (single undertaking), including aid under this Action, shall not exceed EUR 200,000 (or EUR 100,000 for the road haulage sector on behalf of third parties). ) within three years (current calendar year and the two previous calendar years) before the time of granting (issuance of a decision to incorporate an Act) of the legal right to the aid. If a company carries out road freight on behalf of third parties, and carries out other activities for which a maximum of EUR 200 000 applies, a maximum of EUR 200 000 will apply to the company, provided that there is a separation of activities or the separation of cost elements, so that support for road freight activity does not exceed € 100,000 and no de minimis aid is used to acquire road freight vehicles. Clarifications are:

    • In the event of a merger or acquisition, all previous de minimis aid already granted to any of the merging companies is taken into account to determine whether the new de minimis aid to the new or acquiring company exceeds the relevant ceiling. De minimis aid legally granted before the merger or acquisition remains legal.

    • If an undertaking is split into two or more separate undertakings, the de minimis aid granted before the split is attributable to the undertaking which received that aid, which is normally the undertaking which undertook the activities for which the de minimis aid was used. If such an imputation is not possible, the de minimis aid should be apportioned on a pro rata basis based on the carrying amount of the new venture capital at the effective date of the split.

  • Include in their submitted Investment Plan, expenses that have not been financed and have not been included in another program financed from national or Community resources.

  • To commit, with a Responsible Statement, that their Investment Plans have not been submitted for inclusion and will not be submitted to another program funded by national or community resources.

  • To submit one and only investment proposal per VAT number, throughout the validity of this call.

  • To submit an Investment Plan, as well as all the necessary data, supporting documents and forms, as defined by this call.



THE  Ependysis Business Consultants , with executives who have previously evaluated and not only submitted NSRF investment proposals, can successfully undertake the submission as well as the monitoring of your investment plan.


For more information call the company phones: 2112155988 or  .

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