Vinnova is Sweden's innovation agency. Vinnova promotes sustainable growth by improving the conditions for innovation and by funding needs-driven research collaborations between companies, universities, research institutes and the public sector.

Vinnova supports innovative projects within many different areas:
Information and communication technologies
Management and organization
Environment and Energy
Below are the upcoming deadlines for Vinnova. Expect 1-2 months for the proposal writing process.
Deadline: 30/01/2017 - International cooperation with partners in Brazil for innovation in cooperation with FINEP 2016
In this call, you can seek funding for the implementation of international research and innovation projects carried out in cooperation with Brazilian partners. The call is addressed to companies implementing projects together with one or more research organizations, universities and industrial research institutes.
The calls concern the following topics:
Aeronautical engineering in particular propulsion, this can be exemplified to develop, identify and evaluate possible alternative fuels to petroleum, considering the whole aircraft system.
Aeronautics and the use of sensors to improve systems and functions, this can be exemplified by using technique improving environmental impact with regard to emissions and noise
Deadline: 08/02/2017 - RE: Source
RE: Source is part of Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas joint investment in strategic areas of innovation. This call welcomes projects designed to develop, evaluate and demonstrate innovative solutions with great potential to contribute to the circular economy and sustainable resource and waste in society and industry.
Deadline: 15/03/2017 - Flagship projects for the future of digitized industrial
Financing of cutting-edge projects to promote new-industrialization of Sweden. The call is aimed at those who have radical ideas about the industry's digitization. Take advantage of the opportunity to realize these ideas in cooperation with other players through the proposals in this call.
Which activities are supported?
Flagship projects for the development of radical digitization solutions for industry. At at least three parties.
Deadline: 30/03/2017 - Strategic Innovation Program of the Mining and Metals Mining
The purpose of the call is to improve the competitiveness of the mining and metal producing industry, to improve the sustainability of the sector, improving energy efficiency all along the sector's value chain, and to develop and implement new knowledge and new technologies to find new ores .
Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as help you arrange the partners of the project.