EU funding for SMEs development in Romania
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Funding programme
EU Funds – Regional Operational Programme – Priority axis 2 – Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises – Investment priority 2.2 - Supporting the creation and expansion of production capacity and developing advanced services
Programme operator
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (MDRAP – AMPOR)
Programme objectives
Strengthening the market position of SMEs in competitive industries as identified by the National Strategy on Competitiveness and Regional Development Plans.
Eligible beneficiaries
All type SMEs (microenterprises, small and medium enterprises).
Applicant eligibility
The applicant is a company or a cooperative that can be categorized as a SME urban non-agricol company or medium-size rural non-agricol company.
The applicant has conducted business for at least one full fiscal year before applying in the field (CAEN) targeted by the investment, the activity didn’t have been temporary suspended and has been recorded operational profit (> 0 RON) in the fiscal year prior submitting the application.
The applicant recorded an average number of at least 3 employees in the previous fiscal year.
The applicant has the financial capacity to ensure:
His own contribution at the eligible value of the project
Funding the ineligible costs of the project, if needs
The funding resources that are necessary to an optimal project implementation
The location of the project’s implementation
The location of the project’s implementation is in:
Urban area for non-agricultural SMEs
Rural area for medium-sized non-agricultural enterprises
When submitting the application, the applicant must have the location of the project implementation registered as head or secondary office.
The applicant has one of the exposed rights on building:
For projects that include construction works that need authorization: the private property right, concession rights or the right of superficies
For investments that include only services and/ or construction that not require authorization: private property right, concession right, superficie right, the right of usufruct, the right to use free of charge or tenancy / lease right.
The applicant must proof the concession/ usufruct/ superfictie/ use free of charge right for a period of minimum 3 years after the final pay from the Management Authority.
Project eligibility
The project activity must be eligible according to the list of eligible fields in the guideline here
The grant value is between € 200.000 and € 1m.
The implementation period for the project activities cannot exceed 36 months
The project should aim at making an initial investment by one of the following types of investments:
Creating a new production / service provision in the field of activity (NACE class) targeted investment;
An extension of the capacity of an existing establishment, by increasing at least a product / service related field of activity (NACE class) targeted investment;
A diversification of existing production unit, the products / services that were not manufactured / provided earlier in the establishment activity (NACE class) targeted investment
The implementation period cannot exceed 36 months.
The regions within which the Priority Axis 2 funding can be requested are the following: North- East, South-East, South-Muntenia, South-West-Oltenia, West, North-West and Centre.
Eligible costs
Categories of eligible costs funded by the regional state aid:
Expenses related to land improvement
Land improvement – include cost incurred at the beginning of site preparation works, and consisting in demolition, dismantling, decommissioning, deforestation, discharges material results, etc.
Arrangements for environmental protection and bringing to its original state - includes costs incurred for works related to environmental actions
Expenses related to objective’s necessary utilities
Includes costs for enforcing the investment objective with necessary utilities
Expenses related to the base investment
Constructions and installations – includes costs related to construction/ extension/ modernization activities of SMEs production/ services spaces
Facilities – includes costs related to equipment and technologically equipment acquisition
Intangible assets – includes:
Costs for purchasing patents, licenses, brands, IT software, and other similar assets or rights
Costs for on-line commercialization instrument realization activities
Other costs
Site organization
Construction and installation works related to site organization
Site organization related costs
Various, unforeseen costs are eligible only if properly detailed through supporting documents and only up to a limit of 10% of the costs for the execution of works related to the core investment
Categories of eligible costs, funded by de minimis state aid:
Design, technical assistance and consultancy:
Field studies – includes costs for geotechnical, geological, hydrological, hydrogeotechnical, photogrammetry, topographic and terrain stability studies
Permits, agreements, licenses obtaining
Design and engineering – includes costs related to the documentation required for obtaining agreements, permits and licenses related to the investment objective
Consultancy– includes costat relating to:
Preparing the funding application/the business plan
Investment execution management or administration contract execution consultancy services
Developing, organizing and carrying out procurement procedures consultancy
Technical assistance
Other investment related activities:
Product, services, process certification activities
Management system certification activities
Internationalization activities, maximum RON 45,000 without VAT
Mandatory infomrmation and publicity activities relating to the project in accordance with the funding contract provisions, up to a limit of 5,000 lei
External financial audit – maximum RON 5,000 per quarter
Ineligible costs
Costs foreseen in Art. 13 of HG. No. 399/2015 on the eligibility rules for costs incurred within projects financed by FEDR, FSE, FC 2014-2020
Acquisition of land and/or buildings
Operation, testing and maintenance costs
Administrative costs
Personnel costs
Financial costs, including insurance premiums, taxes, commissions, interest rates on loans
Contributions in kind
Amortization costs
Leasing costs
Acquisition of motor vehicles and public transport costs
Development of prefeasibility studies, feasibility studies, technical project costs
Costs incurred before the submission of the application, excepting the expenses related to design, technical assistance and consultancy.
Programme budget
€ 172,94 million for the February – August 2017 call
Regional budget allocations
Development Regions EUR million
North East 30,28
South East 25,70
South Muntenia 27,22
South West Oltenia 20,70
West 20,36
North West 24,78
Centre 23,90
The intensity and volume of the grants
The maximum grant value can be determinate by applying to the eligible costs funded by the regional aid, the maximum funding intensity, applicable to the SMEs category and region where the project is implemented according to the table.
SME category/ Development regions Medium-sized enterprises Small and micro enterprises
North East 60% 70%
South East 60% 70%
South Muntenia 60% 70%
South West Oltenia 60% 70%
West 45% 55%
North West 60% 70%
Centre 60% 70%
The grant value is minimum € 200.000 and maximum € 1m, RON equivalent.
For de minimis aid component of the project, the contribution program that can be awarded to a single undertaking is not more than 90% of the eligible expenditure to be financed, but not more than EUR 200,000 over a period of 3 consecutive years.
Call for submissions
Call for submissions: on term;
Call launch date: 23 February 2017;
Call end date: 23 August 2017;
Several cut off dates applicable with minimum score required:
85 points/ 100 points first 2 months;
80 points on 3rd month;
75, 70..., 50 points monthly cut off dates until the end of the 6 months of submission
Application file
Standard formal/ administrative documents
Qualitative documents (business plan, aplication form)
Submission via MySMIS on-line platform, electronic signature mandatory
Other relevant information
Competition will run on regional budget breakdown
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