Funding opportunities in Austria

1) EU cofinancing in developing countries.
Under EU cofinancing, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) supports projects of Austrian civil society organisations (CSOs) cofinanced by the European Commission.
Eligible for application are Austrian development organisations that are approved by the European Commission as contractual partners and can contribute at least five per cent to project costs.
ADA funding cannot exceed EUR 500,000.
2) Call 2016 under the CEDR Transnational Research Programme.
The Call has three research programmes:
Water Quality – Environmentally Sustainable Roads: Surface- and Groundwater Quality
Biodiversity – “Conflicts along the Road: Invasive Species and Biodiversity”
Deadline is on March 14 2017.
Road directors / Road administrators are eligible for funding.
Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as to help you arrange the partners of the project.