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The Market Development Fund

The Market Development Fund (Markedsmodningsfonden) supports market maturation of novel and innovative products. In 2016, the fund allocated DKK 56,4M.

Companies can apply for co-financing of testing and adaptation of their products under reality-like conditions.

The project must have the following characteristics:

  • It must be novel and separate itself from existing products and services on the global market

  • It must have a strong commercial foundation

  • It must have the necessary organisational structure i.e. the relevant partners should be in place

  • It must create growth and employment, realised by a high and realistic level of ambition and a clear growth strategy

  • It must have socioeconomic effects such as resource efficiency, environmental advantages etc.

  • The grant must help the company overcome significant market barriers


The purpose of the Market Development Fund is to complement the Danish funding schemes that focus primarily on early development. The Market Development Fund supports projects after the development phases and focuses on the final market adaptation of new and innovative products.

Below are the upcoming deadlines for The Market Development Fund. Expect 1-2 months for the proposal writing process.

Deadline: 07/04/2017 - Testing and Adaptation - Pre screening (Spring)

Companies can apply for funding to test whether a developed prototype or concept works in a realistic environment or at a prospective customer’s site and to adapt the prototype/concept in order to strengthen the solution’s commercial potential.

The final application deadline is 18 April. However, companies must complete a mandatory pre screening, in which the Market Development Fund will initially evaluate the applicant. The pre screening takes places from 23 January - 7 April.

Ependysis Business Consultants can prepare you in the submission of the investment file, as well as help you arrange the partners of the project.

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